1062.01 Traffic control.
1062.02 Use of City Park by nonresidents.
1062.03 Violation of Commission's regulations.
1062.99 Penalty.
Parks generally - see Mich. Const. Art. 7, Sec. 23
Parks in home rule cities - see M.C.L. Secs. 117.4e, 117.5
Misapplication of funds - see M.C.L. Sec. 123.67
Litter in parks - see M.C.L. Secs. 752.901 et seq.; GEN. OFF. 652.05(g)
Park and Recreation Commission - see ADM. Ch. 272
Prohibited vehicles in public parks - see TRAF. 440.03
No person shall use a City recreational facility located upon Thompson Lake, be it at the City Park, Bathing Beach or Boat Launching Livery, without having upon his or her vehicle a current park permit issued by the City Clerk. Further, Council may from time to time establish traffic control regulations for vehicular traffic and parking of vehicles upon such premises. No person shall violate or fail to comply with any of such regulations. Upon the establishment of such regulations, and upon the City placing upon such property signs indicating such restrictions in a manner and means so as to be viewable by anyone using the facilities, the City police may remove motor vehicles parked in prohibited zones or parked without the benefit of a park permit. Such removal shall be in addition to the penalty provided in Section 1062.99.
(Ord. 264. Passed 5-20-69.)