The fiscal year under which the Park and Recreation Commission shall operate shall be from July 1 through June 30. The Commission shall prepare an annual budget. Such budget shall be submitted to Council and to any other agency participating in the financing of the recreational activities of the Commission. Such annual budget for the ensuing fiscal year shall be so submitted not later than March 1 preceding the beginning of the fiscal year in question. Such annual budget shall be reviewed by Council and by any other agency participating in the financing of recreational activities of the Commission. It is intended that the preparation of the annual proposed budget by the Commission shall be an administerial act only.
(Ord. 170. Passed 5-20-57.)
The City Clerk shall maintain the financial accounts of the recreation system which shall be subject to the regular independent audit of City funds. Moneys received by the Park and Recreation Commission shall be paid into the City Treasury and shall be made available for the use of the Commission and disbursed only on order of the Commission.
(Ord. 170. Passed 5-20-57.)
The City Clerk shall prepare a monthly report for the Park and Recreation Commission and deliver the same to the Commission showing all receipts and disbursements during the preceding month. The Commission shall make an annual report to Council and to any other participating agency and shall make such other and further reports as may be requested by Council and any other participating agency.
(Ord. 170. Passed 5-20-57.)
The Park and Recreation Commission is hereby authorized to receive and receipt for funds provided for a Civic Center, for Civic Center purposes, for recreational purposes, for Youth Center purposes or for similar public or civic purposes, from any and all public or private sources desiring to contribute funds thereto.
(Ord. 170. Passed 5-20-57.)
The Park and Recreation Commission shall have authority over and shall supervise the holding of games, exhibitions, contests and other recreational events and shall have authority to charge admission for such games, exhibitions and events, as it deems advisable and necessary in order to defray the expenses of the recreational program.
(Ord. 170. Passed 5-20-57.)