(a) The Park and Recreation Commission shall consist of four members plus a representative from each participating township as approved by Council. Voting members of the Commission shall consist of one member of Council; one elector of the City, who shall hold no other public office in the City; one member appointed by the Board of Education of the Howell Public School District; one member of the Livingston County United Way; and a representative of each participating township. The City Manager and the Director of Parks, Recreation and Cemetery shall serve as ex-officio members.
(b) The terms of the member of Council, the member of the Board of Education and the member of the Livingston County United Way shall be for one year and until their successors are appointed. The other members of the Commission shall be appointed for four-year terms and until their successors are appointed.
(c) Members of the Commission shall be appointed by Council for the respective terms as hereinbefore directed.
(Ord. 212. Passed 8-5-63; Ord. 459. Passed 5-28-85.)