   Whenever a vacancy occurs on the Park and Recreation Commission, Council shall fill the same within thirty days thereafter. The appointee to fill a vacancy shall complete the balance of the term of the member whom he or she was appointed to replace. The appointee to fill such vacancy shall be recommended to Council within ten days after the vacancy occurs by the same group or organization that made such recommendation for appointment in the original instance, and shall possess the same qualifications as the member whom he or she is appointed to replace.
(Ord. 170. Passed 5-20-57.)
   The Park and Recreation Commission shall, within twenty days after its appointment and annually thereafter within the first twenty days of May, organize and elect from its membership a Chairman, and such other officers as is deemed expedient by the Commission. The Director of Parks, Recreation and Cemetery shall perform the functions of the Secretary. The Commission shall adopt such rules and regulations as may be necessary for the transaction of its business. It shall hold regular meetings, at least once in each month, which meetings shall be open to the public. The Commission shall keep a record of its proceedings, which record shall be open to the public. A majority of the Commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, though a smaller number may adjourn meetings of the Commission from time to time. Action of the Commission may be taken upon a favorable vote of a majority of the members present at any regular meeting or at any special meeting. Special meetings of the Commission may be called by the Secretary on the written request of the Chairman or of any two members of the Commission on at least eighteen hours written notice to each member of the Commission designating the time, place and purpose of any such meeting and served personally or left at his or her place of residence by the Secretary or someone designated by him or her. Notwithstanding the foregoing requirements for the calling of special meetings, any special meeting at which all members of the Commission are present or have in writing waived the requirement that notice be given at least eighteen hours prior to the time specified for the holding of such meeting and at which a quorum of the Commission is present, shall be a legal meeting.
(Ord. 459. Passed 5-28-85.)
   The City Manager shall appoint a Director of Parks, Recreation and Cemetery subject to the confirmation of this appointment by the Park and Recreation Commission. The Director shall report directly to the City Manager and the compensation of the Director shall be paid from the budget of the Recreation Department in an amount suggested by the Commission and confirmed by the City Manager.
(Ord. 459. Passed 5-28-85.)
272.07 POWERS.
   (a)   The Park and Recreation Commission shall have the right to provide, conduct and supervise recreational areas, facilities, services and programs for the public recreation in its broadest sense, including the right to operate parks, playgrounds, playfields, swimming pools, beaches, indoor community centers and any and all other recreational facilities and activities. Further, the Commission shall specifically have the right, subject to approval by Council, to establish rules and regulations governing admittance to any and all recreational areas and facilities and to restrict or regulate the use of these areas in any manner which, in the opinion of a majority of the Commission members, best serves the interest of the people of the City. Such rules and regulations shall be in writing and a copy thereof shall be posted at the main entrance of all City parks and/or at other appropriate places in the recreational areas of the City and shall also be available at the office of the City Clerk. Such rules and regulations may be amended and changed from time to time, provided that at least ten days notice is given in advance of any change or amendment by posting the notice of change or amendment in the same places the rules and regulations are posted or available. However, the Commission is not required to provide for the upkeep and care of the School District's athletic fields and playgrounds. The Commission shall have the power to conduct and pay for necessary supervision of public recreation in connection with Municipal parks, School District athletic fields and playgrounds and other recreational areas. However, this shall not be construed to delegate to the Commission by the City or by the School District any of the powers, jurisdiction or control of either over their respective properties and facilities. In other words, it is anticipated that the Commission shall work with the School Districts, its Board of Education and the City in connection with public recreation.
(Ord. 205. Passed 12-11-61.)
   (b)   The Park and Recreation Commission is hereby directed to promulgate rules for the use of lands owned by the City and under supervision of the Commission regulating the use thereon of such pavilions, playing fields, shelters or other facilities as may from time to time exist. Included in these rules shall be a system of reservations for such facilities by such persons entitled to use the same on such terms as the Commission from time to time decides.
   The Commission shall recommend to Council reasonable user fees for the facilities under its supervision, whereupon Council may, by resolution, adopt such fees as proposed by the Commission or as modified by Council.
   The Commission shall review the reasonableness of such fees from time to time, but not less frequently than annually.
(Ord. 420. Passed 4-5-82.)
   (EDITOR'S NOTE: Section 272.08 was repealed by Ordinance 459, passed May 28, 1985.)