17.60.010 Purpose.
17.60.020 Signs allowed in all districts without a permit.
17.60.030 Prohibited signs.
17.60.040 Commercial district requirements.
17.60.050 Industrial district requirements.
17.60.060 Permit-Required when.
17.60.070 Permit-Exceptions.
17.60.080 Permit-Application requirements.
17.60.090 Permit-Issuance.
17.60.100 Inspection of sign upon completion of work.
17.60.110 Permit-Nullification.
17.60.120 Permit-Nontransferability-Revocation.
17.60.130 Administration-Right of entry.
17.60.140 Inspection and maintenance.
17.60.150 Notice of violation-Remedy.
17.60.160 Removal of sign when business no longer on premises.
17.60.170 Penalty for violation.