The following signs are permitted in all districts without a permit:
A. Public signs: Signs of a public, noncommercial nature, including safety signs, danger signs, trespassing signs, traffic signs, signs indicating scenic or historical points of interest, memorial plaques, and the like, and all signs erected by or on order of a public officer in the performance of a public duty;
B. Flags: Flags bearing the official design of a nation, state, municipality, or noncommercial organization or institution;
C. Identification signs: Signs which identify the business, owner, manager, or resident and set forth the address of the premises where the sign is located, and which contain no other material; there may be two such signs per premises, characters of the signs are not to exceed six inches in height, and the total height of such a sign, if freestanding, shall not exceed five feet;
D. Integral signs: Names of buildings, dates of construction, commemorative tablets and the like, when carved into stone, concrete, or similar material or made of bronze, aluminum, or other permanent type of construction and made an integral part of the building or structure;
E. Institutional signs: Any sign or bulletin board setting forth or denoting the name of or simple announcement for any public, charitable, education, or religious institution, when located on the premises of such institution, provided such sign or bulletin board or both shall not exceed a total of twenty square feet in display surface. If building-mounted, these signs shall be flat wall signs, and shall not project above the roof-line or front facade of the building. If freestanding, the total height shall not exceed six feet;
F. Private traffic direction signs and related signs: Signs directing traffic movement onto a premises or within a premises, when such signs are located on the premises, do not exceed five square feet in area for each sign and, if freestanding, do not exceed eight feet in total height. Such signs are considered to include parking directions, exit or entrance signs, drive-up window signs, restroom signs; and the like. Horizontal directional signs on the flush with paved areas are exempt from these standards;
G. Community event signs: Signs advertising a public entertainment or event of public interest, provided the placing of the signs shall be approved and the locations designated by the zoning administrator. These signs shall remain in place for no more than twenty-one days before, and fourteen days after the event, and may not exceed ten square feet in area;
H. Political campaign signs: Signs or posters announcing the candidates seeking public political office and/or political issues, and data pertinent thereto, up to an area of ten square feet. These signs shall be confined to private property, and shall be removed within fourteen days after the election for which they were erected;
I. Individual property sale or rental signs: Any on-premises sign announcing the name of the owner, manager, realtor, or other person directly involved in the sale or rental of the property, or announcing the purpose for which it is being offered. Such signs may be freestanding or wall-mounted only. Signs may not emit direct illumination, and must be removed within fourteen days after the sale or rental of the property;
J. Home occupation signs: Home occupation signs, either wall-mounted or freestanding, not to exceed one per premises, and not to exceed one square foot in area;
K. Subdivision sign: Any sign announcing the name of architects, engineers, contractors, or other individuals or firms, involved with the subdivision of property (but not including any advertisement of any product) or announcing the character of the subdivision or the purpose for which it is intended.
1. These signs shall be confined to the site of the subdivision and shall be permitted for one year from the date of erection of the first of such signs. If development of the subdivision is not completed within one year after erection of the signs, the sign shall be permitted to exist and additional period, not to exceed one year;
L. Subdivision name signs: Signs announcing the name of a subdivision shall conform to the following requirements:
1. Maximum number of signs, one sign per street bordering or entering the subdivision,
2. Maximum area of sign, two hundred square feet,
3. Maximum height of sign, ten feet,
4. Location of sign, signs shall conform to the setback requirement for structure in applicable districts;
M. Construction signs: Any sign announcing the names of architects, engineers, contractors, or other individuals or firms involved with the construction, alteration, or repair of a building (but not including any product) or announcing the character of the building enterprise or the purpose for which the building is intended, or to indicate the presence of underground public utility structures to avoid damage to structures by excavation;
1. Such signs shall be confined to the site of the construction, alteration, or repair, and shall be removed within twenty-one days after completion of the work,
2. Signs shall conform with the standards provided for individual property sale or rental signs, above;
N. Street clock/temperature signs: Any sign which displays the time or outdoor temperature, or both, and which displays no other matter;
O. Holiday signs: Signs or displays either illuminated or unilluminated which contain or depict a message pertaining to a national, state, community, or religious holiday, and no other matter, and which are displayed for a period not to exceed forty-five days;
P. Underground public utility warning signs: Standard types of warning signs marking the routes of underground public utility pipes, conduits, and cables;
Q. House or building address: Any sign which sets forth the house or building address, provided that the individual characters of the signs do not exceed six inches in height;
R. Garage sale signs: Garage sale signs will be permitted. No sign shall exceed four square feet. The length of time a sign shall be in place shall not exceed five days. The sign must be removed by the person placing the sign. Garage sale signs will be permitted within the right-of-way.
(Ord. 81-11 Art. XIII § 2, 1980).