Title 2
2.02 Mayor
2.04 City Council
2.06 City Clerk
2.08 City Treasurer
2.10 City Attorney
2.12 City Comptroller and Administrative Assistant
2.14 Electrical Inspector
2.16 Street and Alley Commissioner
2.18 Superintendent of Parks
2.20 Water and Sewer Superintendent
2.22 Zoning Administrator
2.24 (Reserved)
2.26 (Reserved)
2.28 Animal Control Officer/Dog Warden
2.30 Cemetery Sexton
2.32 Police Department
2.34 Fire Department
2.36 Fire Insurance and Fire Call Fees
2.38 (Reserved)
2.40 Library Board
2.42 Board of Police Commissioners
2.44 Police Pension Fund Board
2.46 Planning and Zoning Commission
2.48 Citizens Advisory Committee
2.50 Emergency Service and Disaster Agency
2.52 Officers
2.54 Compensation of Officers and Employees
2.56 Employee Burial Benefits
2.57 State Officials and Employees Ethics Act
2.58 Volunteer Ambulance Service
2.60 Handicapped Nondiscrimination
2.62 Discrimination Grievance Complaint Procedures
2.64 Residency and Other Employment Requirements
2.66 Loss Control Policy
2.68 Deceptive Check Practices
2.70 E.M.T. Participation Committee
2.72 National Incident Management System
2.74 Drug-free Workplace
2.76 Historic Preservation
2.78 Sexual Harassment
NOTE: Footnotes are numbered throughout the text and are located at the end of this title.