Application for a sign permit shall be filed by the owner of the sign or his agent, with the zoning administrator of the city. The application shall contain the following information:
A. Name, address, and telephone number of the owner of the sign, and agent, if any;
B. Location of building, structure, or lot to which or upon which the sign is to be attached or erected;
C. Position of the sign in relation to nearby building or structures;
D. Two prints or ink drawings of the plans and specifications, indicating the method of construction and attachment to the building or in the ground. No such prints or ink drawings shall be required for signs, the fair market value of which is less than five hundred dollars, and which are erected in compliance with a standard method, the plans for which are now with the city, or for signs where drawings are already on file with the zoning administrator;
E. Name of person, firm, corporation, or association erecting sign;
F. Evidence of written consent of the owner of the buildings, structure or land to which or on which the sign is to be erected;
G. Such other information as the zoning administrator shall require to show full compliance with this and all other laws and ordinances of the city.
(Ord. 81-11 Art. XIII § 6(B), 1980).