Every person staking, tethering, herding, grazing, pasturing, allowing to run at large, or causing to be staked, tethered, herded, grazed, pastured or allowed to run at large, any horse, cow, mule, sheep, goat, swine or other animal upon any of the public highways of the city shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (1999 Code)
It is the duty of animal control to take into its custody any horse, cow, mule, sheep, goat, swine or other animal found by him staked, tethered, herded, pastured or running at large upon any of the public highways of the city, and to deliver such animal to the city animal control officials. Those officials shall retain possession of the animal until the costs of capturing, transporting and maintaining the animal are paid in full. (1999 Code)
It is unlawful for any person to place, construct or maintain any approach, road, driveway, pole, pipeline, conduit, sewer, ditch, culvert, billboard, advertising sign or any other structure or object of any kind or character within the right of way of any city road without complying with the regulations of the department, which may:
A. Removal Required: Remove such installation from the right of way or require such person to remove the same; or
B. Notice; Removal By City: Give written notice to such person to remove the installation from the right of way. The notice may be served either by personal service or by mailing the notice to the person by registered mail and posting a copy thereof on the installation for a period of ten (10) days. If the installation is not removed within ten (10) days after the notice is complete, the department may remove the same and recover costs and expenses, as per title 3, chapter 3.35 of this code for each day the same remained within the right of way after notice was complete, in an action for that purpose; or
C. Abatement Of Nuisance: Bring an action to abate the same as a nuisance if such person disputes or denies the existence of such installation or refuses to remove or permit its removal. If judgment is recovered by the department, there shall also be recovered, in addition to having the same abated, the costs of action and additional fees as per title 3, chapter 3.35 of this code for every day such nuisance remained within the right of way after notice was given for its removal. (Ord. 2010-27, 12-9-2010)
It is unlawful for any person to place any form of advertising upon any part of the public domain in the city, or along any city highway within three hundred feet (300') of such highway, except upon land in private ownership situated along such highway (subject to the other requirements of this code), without first receiving a permit to do so from the department, subject to the approval of the city. (1999 Code)
A. Contents Escaping: No vehicle shall be driven or moved on any city highway unless so constructed or loaded as to prevent its contents from dropping, sifting, leaking or otherwise escaping therefrom, except that reasonable amounts of sand, salt or other abrasives may be dropped for the purpose of securing traction, or water or other substance may be sprinkled on a roadway for cleaning or maintaining such roadway.
B. Fastening Of Load: No person shall operate on a public highway any vehicle with a load unless the load and any covering thereon is suitably fastened, secured and confined according to the nature of the load so as to prevent the covering or load from becoming loose, detached or in any manner a hazard to other users of the highway. (1999 Code)