A. Commercial, Industrial, Manufacturing And Multiple-Family Uses: Requirements for commercial, industrial, manufacturing, and multiple-family uses requiring motor vehicle access shall meet the requirements as hereinafter provided:
1. Access shall not be by more than one driveway approach for each one hundred feet (100') of frontage on any street. The city planning commission or staff where specifically delegated, may modify this requirement when considering a particular site plan in those cases where the commission or staff determines that the safety and convenience of the general public would be better served by more or less driveway approaches.
2. Wherever possible, abutting sites should share driveway approaches.
3. Additional driveway approaches may be warranted by table 3-A of this section for on center spacing of driveway approaches:
Median Barrier | Principal Arterial | Arterial | Collector |
No | 250 feet | 200 feet | 175 feet |
Yes | 185 feet | 115 feet | 85 feet |
4. No two (2) of said driveway approaches shall be closer to each other than fifty feet (50').
5. No driveway approach shall be closer than one hundred feet (100') to the point of intersection of the two (2) property lines at any corner. If there is not one hundred feet (100') of frontage, then the driveway approach will be placed five feet (5') from the property line furthest from the intersection of the property lines, if the nearest existing driveway approach is fifty feet (50') or further away. In no instance shall a driveway approach be closer than sixty feet (60') from the projected intersection right of way lines with a minimum of five foot (5') flared section. Flared driveway approaches are required for distinction from intersection corners.
6. The minimum width of a driveway approach shall be twelve feet (12') and the maximum shall be thirty feet (30').
7. The community development director may approve a driveway approach up to a maximum of fifty feet (50') wide.
B. Single-Family Dwellings: Single-family dwellings shall meet the following requirements as hereinafter provided:
1. Single-family dwellings shall be permitted only one access unless a circular driveway approach is utilized.
2. There shall be a minimum of thirty five feet (35') between the entrances of circular driveway approaches and the two (2) closest edges of the driveway approach.
3. Corner lots will be allowed to have one driveway approach per street frontage.
4. There shall be a minimum ten feet (10') distance between all approved driveway approaches except on cul-de-sacs.
5. The minimum street driveway approach width at the property line shall be ten feet (10') and the maximum shall be thirty feet (30').
6. A minimum five foot (5') radius or flared section shall be used.
7. No radius or flare portion of a driveway approach shall intersect the abutting projected property line except where shared approaches are utilized.
8. On corner lots, driveway approaches shall be set back a minimum of twenty five feet (25') from the point of intersection of the right of way lines.
C. Grades: All driveway approach grades shall not exceed four percent (4%) within twenty feet (20') of the roadway boundary.
D. Approaches: Approaches shall be a minimum of five feet (5') from a side property line at the front lot line except on cul-de-sacs. (Ord. 2015-15, 10-8-2015)
A. Minimum Radius: The minimum radius of curb return on local streets in residential areas shall be twenty five feet (25'). A larger radius shall be used in industrial areas or higher functional classification streets as approved by the department or its designee in accordance with AASHTO guidelines.
B. Angle Of Intersect: Streets shall intersect at an angle of ninety degrees (90o) where possible, but in no case shall the angle of intersection be less than eighty degrees (80o).
C. Offset Intersections: Offset intersections shall be avoided whenever possible and offsets shall be provided with minimum distances as follows:
1. Local streets: One hundred fifty feet (150');
2. Collectors: Five hundred feet (500');
3. Arterials: Eight hundred feet (800').
D. Left Turns: Left turns shall be prohibited within two hundred feet (200') of major intersections either by signs or concrete medians. (1999 Code)
A. Width: The width of all private roadways shall consist of a minimum of twenty feet (20') of unobstructed travel surface. Roadways shall be twenty five feet (25') wide where they form cul-de-sacs greater than five hundred feet (500') in length. Short sections may be reduced to preserve trees or other features as approved by the fire department.
B. Surfaces: All surfaces shall consist of an approved design capable of carrying twenty four (24) ton vehicles.
C. Compliance Required: Except as modified by subsections A and B of this section, all private roadways shall comply with the requirements of this chapter and Appendix D: Fire Apparatus Access Roads, as provided by the International Fire Code.
D. Maintenance And Repairs: Appendix D, Fire Apparatus Access Roads as printed in the 2018 IFC (International Fire Code) is hereby adopted by reference and incorporated as if printed herein in full. (1999 Code; amd. Ord. 2021-30, 12-2-2021)
The following exceptions are authorized under this title:
A. Reduced Width Of A Private Driveway, Lane Or Road: The Community and Economic Development Director may grant an exception for the width of a private drive, lane or road upon a recommendation from the technical review committee based on the following:
1. Unusual topographical conditions;
2. Consent of public safety;
3. Aesthetic considerations; or
4. Other exceptional conditions or circumstances such as:
a. Configuration of existing parcels and proposed lots;
b. Preservation of significant trees, natural features and/or historic landmarks;
c. Snow storage; and
d. Reduction of negative environmental impacts.
B. Installation Of Sidewalks: The Community and Economic Development Director may grant an exception to the installation of curb, gutter, and sidewalk as required in section 13.76.210 of this code, upon a recommendation from the technical review committee based on the following:
1. Where it is not necessary to serve the public need;
2. The street does not fall within any “safe sidewalk” route to a public or private school or quasi-public land use or facility;
3. Public health, safety and welfare is preserved;
4. There are no sidewalks currently installed on adjacent properties;
5. Other exceptional conditions or circumstances such as:
a. Configuration of existing parcels and proposed lots;
b. Preservation of significant trees, natural features and/or historic landmarks;
c. Snow storage; and
d. Reduction of negative environmental impacts. (Ord. 2015-15, 10-8-2015; amd. Ord. 2021-08, 4-8-2021)