General Provisions
   112.001   Title
   112.002   Purpose
   112.003   Definitions
   112.004   Application
   112.005   Adoption of state law
   112.006   Alcoholic Beverage Control Administrator
   112.007   Enforcement
   112.008   Changes and amendments
License Requirements; Fees
   112.020   City licenses
   112.021   Fees
   112.022   Certain special licenses
   112.023   Expiration of license; proration of fees
   112.024   Payment of license fees; delinquency
   112.025   Refund of fees
License Application and Maintenance
   112.040   Advertisement
   112.041   Form of application
   112.042   Other conditions
   112.043   Form of license
   112.044   Change of information
   112.045   Renewal of license
   112.046   Lost or destroyed license
   112.047   License revocation or suspension; proceedings
   112.048   Refusal of license; guidelines for approval of quota licenses
   112.049   Review of license; books, records and reports
   112.050   Dormancy
Conditions, Prohibitions and Restrictions
   112.065   Hours of sale
   112.066   Gambling
   112.067   Radio receiving apparatus
   112.068   Security
   112.069   Prizes and premiums prohibited
   112.070   Treating prohibited
   112.071   Drunkenness
   112.072   Underage sales
   112.073   Sign requirements
   112.074   License to be displayed
   112.075   Legal transactions for wholesalers, distributors and retail
   112.076   Employment restrictions
   112.077   Lavatory facilities required
   112.078   Nudity and adult entertainment activities prohibited
   112.079   Cause for revocation or suspension
   112.080   Minors
   112.081   Consumption on premises prohibited
   112.082   Malt beverage keg registration
   112.083   Mandatory RBS training
   112.084   Signs and advertising
   112.085   Patio and outdoor sales
   112.086   Policy for festivals and events at Creekfront Park and Lincoln Square
   112.087   Entertainment destination center
   112.999   Penalty
§ 112.001 TITLE.
   This chapter shall be known as the “Alcoholic Beverage Control Ordinance of the City of Hodgenville, Kentucky”, (hereinafter referred to as the “city”).
(Ord. 2018-04, passed 5-29-2018)
§ 112.002 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of this chapter is to establish uniform regulations and requirements for the licensing and regulation of alcoholic beverage manufacture and sales pursuant to authorization under KRS Ch. 241 through 244.
(Ord. 2018-04, passed 5-29-2018)