Buildings must conform to the dimensional standards for a lot as follows:
   A.   Lot coverage may not exceed the limitations of the district within which the lot is located.
   B.   The standards for setback of buildings from property lot lines are:
      1.   No portion of any building, including decks and excepting roof eaves, fences, stair steps, and landscaping ornaments, may be located in any lot line setback.
      2.   A lot that has more than one front lot line must provide a front lot line setback for each front lot line. When a lot has more than one front lot line, the remaining lot lines are side lot lines and no rear lot line setback is required. The remaining side lot lines must meet the minimum side lot line setback for the zoning district in which it is located.
      3.   The vehicular entrance of a garage must be set back at least twenty feet (20'), measured in a straight line from the vehicular entrance of the garage to the lot line of the property that abuts public right of way designated as a street and has a driveway approach.
      4.   The lot line setback is five feet (5') for any lot line that abuts a dedicated public right of way that provides only a secondary means of access to property and is not intended for general travel.
      5.   The sight distance triangle as required in title 7, chapter 3 of this code, must be observed for corner lots regardless of minimum setbacks established in this chapter.
   C.   The standards for height of buildings are:
      1.   Height limitations for any district do not apply to the following: spires, belfries, cupolas, chimneys, water tanks, elevator housings, solar energy systems, streetlights, and utility poles.
      2.   A building or structure may not exceed the height limitations of the district within which it is located except as allowed by a variance granted under this title.
   D.   A lot that existed at the effective date of this title may not be reduced in dimension or area below the requirements set forth herein. All lots created after the effective date of this title must meet the minimum requirements of this title. Nonconforming lots may be redesigned or aggregated to reduce the nonconformity without a variance. (Ord. 3097, 4-7-2008)
   E.   The dimensional, area, coverage, and design standard requirements for property in the various zoning districts are shown in table 2 of this section.
   TABLE 2
   DU = Dwelling unit
(Open Space/ Residential)
(Residential- Urban)
(Residential- Office)
Lot area
1 - 3 acres; no more than 1 DU per acre for cluster development. See section 11-2-5 of this title
No minimum
No minimum
No minimum
No minimum
Lot coverage
No maximum
60% maximum
Additional 5% for porch attached to front or side
40% maximum
40% maximum
60% maximum
Front lot line setback
25' from right-of-way
No minimum
10' minimum
10' minimum
10' minimum
Rear lot line setback
No minimum unless abutting right-of- way, then 25' from right-of- way
No minimum
10' minimum
10' minimum
10' minimum
Side lot line setback
No minimum unless abutting right-of- way 25' from right- of-way
No minimum
8' minimum
6' minimum for each side yard
6' minimum
24' maximum
42' maximum
30' maximum
36' maximum
42' maximum
(Neighborhood Business)
(General Commercial)
(Central Business)
Lot area
For multiple DUs 1,000 sq. ft. per DU
No minimum for single DUs or nonresidential
No minimum
No minimum
Lot coverage
Residential uses, 60% maximum
No maximum for nonresidential uses
No minimum
No maximum
Front lot line setback
No minimum
No minimum
No minimum
Rear lot line setback
15' minimum
No minimum unless abutting residential zone, then 15' minimum
No minimum
Side lot line setback
6' minimum
No minimum unless abutting residential zone, then 10' minimum
No minimum
36' maximum
75' maximum
70' maximum
DT and TR (Downtown and Transitional Residential)
(Commercial- Light Manufacturing)
Lot area
See Chapter 9
No minimum
Lot coverage
See Chapter 9
No maximum
Front lot line setback
See Chapter 9
15' minimum
Rear lot line setback
See Chapter 9
No minimum unless abutting residential zone, then 15' minimum
Side lot line setback
See Chapter 9
No minimum unless abutting residential zone, then 15' minimum
See Chapter 9
60' maximum
And Industrial)
(Public Lands
And Institutions)
And Industrial)
(Public Lands
And Institutions)
Lot area
No minimum
No minimum
No minimum
Lot width
No minimum
No minimum
No minimum
Lot coverage
No maximum
No maximum
No maximum
Front lot line setback
15' minimum
No minimum
No minimum
Rear lot line setback
No minimum unless abutting residential zone, then 15' minimum
No minimum unless abutting residential zone, then 15' minimum
No minimum
Side lot line setback
No minimum unless abutting residential zone, then 15' minimum
No minimum unless abutting residential zone, then 15' minimum
No minimum
60' maximum
60' maximum
See chapter 35, "Airport Zoning Regulations", of this title
(Ord. 3097, 4-7-2008, amd. Ord. 3104, 11-3-2008; Ord. 3131, 8-9-2010; Ord. 3222, 9-26-2016; Ord. 3257, 6-24-2019; Ord. 3278, 1-13-2020)