Site development plans are intended to ensure the efficient use of land and to promote high standards in the layout, design, landscaping and construction of subdivision and non-subdivision developments.
The purpose of this Chapter is to state specific requirements applicable to the development of land in certain zoning districts, and to prescribe the standards for the preparation and submission of site development plan drawings and for the design and construction of required improvements. (Ord. 19-20. Passed 11-4-20.)
A site development plan is required and shall be submitted for the following:
(a) Any use or development, involving new construction, reconstruction or expansion except for single family detached dwelling units, duplexes, or unattached accessory buildings in residential districts.
(b) Any development in which automobile parking spaces are to be used by more than one (1) establishment.
(c) Whenever a change is proposed in the exterior design of a previously approved site development plan.
(d) Whenever an existing residential use is proposed for change to a commercial, industrial, or multifamily residential use.
(e) All public buildings.
(f) Any Major Subdivision.
(g) All Planned Developments (PRD, PCD, PID, and PUD) which shall adhere to the application and review procedures set forth in Chapter 1141.
(h) Any use or development requiring the extension or the installation of municipal utilities.
(i) Any Floodplain, Floodway or Flood Fringe development as administered by the Licking County Planning Commission.
(j) Any public access drive and/or parking lot construction.
(Ord. 19-20. Passed 11-4-20.)