A water system capacity charge shall be made for each new service branch to any property and shall be paid at the time that the application for the connection permit is made for the service. This charge shall be in addition to any other fees or charges made for water connections and shall be payable to the Village.
(a) Prohibition. No person, firm or corporation shall install a service branch, or any part thereof, to the water system of the Village unless he or they have been issued a permit therefor by the Village.
(b) A water system capacity charge shall be paid to the Village whenever an application for a connection permit is made for a water service tap to be connected to a water line which is part of or will become a part of the Village’s water system, or which is built by or under the direction and/or supervision of the Village. No water service tap shall be connected to such water lines without a connection permit first being issued by the Village.
Upon proper proof of hardship, the Village Administrator may arrange for a payment schedule for the foregoing capacity charge.
(c) Capacity Charges:
(1) Capacity charges for normal water service shall be as follows:
Tap Size Inside Domestic Inside Fire Outside Domestic Outside Fire 0.75 1471. N/A 2206.50 N/A 1.00 2614. N/A 3921. N/A 1.50 5882. N/A 8823. N/A 2.00 10,462. N/A 15,693. N/A 3.00 11,763.50 11,763.50 17,645.50 17,645.50 4.00 20,913. 20,913. 31,369.50 31,369.50 6.00 47,054.50 47,054.50 70,582. 70,586.00 8.00 83,652.50 83,652.50 125,479. 125,479. 10.00 130,707. 130,707. 196,060.50 196,060.5 12.00 188,314. 188,314. 282,471. 282,471. 16.00 9 273,055.50 273,055.50 409,583.50 409,583.50 |
(2) Any water service tap larger than those set forth herein shall be the subject of a special action by Council prior to issuance of a connection permit.
(3) Water service taps shall not be smaller than the water service line connecting the tap to the property or facility serviced.
(4) Property owners of record as of the effective date of this subsection (c) where water lines are either existing or presently under construction as of the effective date and where there is an existing residence or business as of the effective date shall be allowed to be issued a connection permit at the capacity charges in effect immediately preceding the effective date hereof if application for same is made within sixty days of the effective date hereof. Connection permits issued pursuant to this subsection shall be valid for a period of ninety days from the date of issuance or for a period of ninety days after completion of construction, if applicable, whichever is later.
(5) Except as otherwise provided under subsection (c)(4) hereof, all connection permits issued pursuant to this section shall be valid for a period of ninety days from the date of issuance.
(6) In the event that water usage does not commence within the validity period of any connection permit issued under this section, then an application for a new connection permit must be submitted and an additional water system capacity charge shall be paid, at the time of such application submittal, equal to the greater of:
A. The difference between the charges stipulated in subsections (c)(1) through (c)(5) hereof and the amount previously paid, or
B. Fifty dollars ($50.00).
(7) Water system capacity charges shall be deposited into the Village’s Water Replacement & Improvement Fund.
(Ord. 90-01. Passed 1-16-02.)