(A)   The City of Heath shall inspect the food establishment prior to the issuance of the food establishment permit to determine compliance with any approved plans and specifications, compliance with other requirements of this chapter and shall determine that a certificate of occupancy has been issued for the building in which the establishment is to be located. Upon making such findings the food establishment permit may be issued subject to annual renewal, continued compliance with the provisions of this chapter, and the existence of a valid certificate of occupancy for the building in which the establishment is located.
   (B)   An inspection of a food service establishment shall be performed quarterly and shall be prioritized based upon assessment of a food establishment's compliance and potential of causing food-borne illness according to § 229.171(h) of the Texas Food Establishment Rules. If during a routine inspection immediate correction (COS) of a critical item is not achieved the City of Heath shall verify correction within 24 hours.
   (C)   The Building Official or his or her designee shall classify food establishments as high priority, medium priority or low priority, according to the type of operations sustained. The City of Heath may terminate the suspension at any time if reasons for suspension no longer exists.
(2005 Code, § 9-13-5) (Ord. 010419A, passed - -)