General Provisions
52.01 Definitions
52.02 Water Commissioner authority
52.03 Appeals
52.04 Abatement
52.05 Discontinuance of water service
52.06 Operating and funding
52.07 Water contract
52.08 Installation expense
52.09 Repairs
52.10 Rates
52.11 Water bills
52.12 Lien
52.13 Restricted use
52.14 Fire hydrants
52.15 Pollution
52.16 Water service contracts
52.17 Inspection
52.18 Destruction of property
52.19 Complaints
52.20 Water mains and service lines
Backflow Prevention
52.35 Purpose
52.36 Definitions
52.37 Declaration of nuisance
52.38 Unlawful connections; new installations and repairs
52.39 Prevention devices required
52.40 Minimum standard of protection
52.41 Inspections
52.42 New meter installation
52.43 Maintenance
52.44 Testing
Water Wells and Other Facilities
52.55 Drilling and operation
52.56 Geothermal systems
52.57 Permits
52.58 Prohibited drilling or installation
52.59 Wellhead protection area
52.99 Penalty