1. Reservation of Right to Remove and Test. The Township reserves the right to remove and test any meter at any time and, if such meter is found to be inaccurate, to substitute another meter of the same size in its place, either permanently or temporarily.
2. Disputed Accuracy - Request by Consumer. In case of a disputed account involving the accuracy of a meter, such meter will be tested by the Township upon the written request of the consumer. In the event the meter tested is found to have an error in the registration greater than 2%, plus or minus, the cost of the test will be borne by the Township, and the bills will be adjusted accordingly. Should the meter be found to be correct, the cost for testing shall be billed to the consumer on the next quarterly bill submitted.
(Ord. 68, § 3, 1110/79)
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this Part 1C shall be guilty of a summary offense and shall be fined not less than $300 and/or be imprisoned up to 90 days or both. Each day on which a violation shall occur shall be deemed a separate and distinct offense. In addition to the penalties provided herein, the Township may recover reasonable attorney's fees, court costs, court reporter's fees, and other expenses of litigation by appropriate suit at law against the person found to have violated this Part 1C or the orders, rules and regulations issued hereunder.
(Ord. 256, 1/14/1991)
D. Allocation of Reserved Water Capacity.
Water capacity which has been allocated to the Township from any source but not reallocated by the issuance of water permits or otherwise reserved, may be reserved by a person prior to the issuance of a water permit provided that the applicant for such reservation meets the following conditions:
A. A final plan subdivision or land development approval shall have been issued for the property to be served.
B. All past capital charges paid by the Township for the allocation to be reserved shall have been reimbursed to the Township by the applicant.
C. During the period which the allocation remains reserved for the benefit of the applicant, the applicant shall pay any capital charges required to be paid by the Township to maintain the reserved capacity.
D. All payments made by the applicant under the above shall constitute the aggregate reservation fees.
E. Use of the allocation must be completed by the issuance of a water permit and connection to the water system within 3 years after the reservation is granted by the Township.
F. In the event the applicant fails to remain in compliance with subsections (B), (C), and (E) above, then, upon 30 days notice to the applicant, the Township may revoke such reservation of allocation. Notice sent to the last known address of applicant shall be sufficient upon mailing under this Section. In such event, if the allocation which has been revoked is thereafter reallocated to another person, charges for reservation under this Section shall be repaid to said applicant in an amount equal to the aggregate reservation fees which had been paid by the applicant (with no interest added) less 5% for Township administrative expenses.
G. Any allocation reserved under this Section shall relate to a specific property and subdivision plan, and may not be transferred for use by any other property or other plan for the same property. Such reserved allocation may be transferred only to the Township.
H. In the event water permits for connection are issued for a portion of any allocation reserved hereunder, the Township Engineer shall determine that portion of the reserved allocation to be retained as reserved allocation under this Section and that portion to be allocated to the water permits issued.
I The Township may limit the amount of allocation reserved pursuant to this Section for any particular applicant based upon its sole determination as to the best interest of the Township.
(Ord. 252, 10/17/1990, § 2)
1. The Catasauqua Water District shall be that portion of the Township designated as the Catasauqua Water District on the Water District Map.
2. All public water mains servicing property in the Catasauqua Water District shall be supplied by the Borough of Catasauqua Water System.
(Ord. 238, 2/7/1990, § 2)
1. The Allentown Water District-South shall be that portion of the Township designated as the Allentown Water District-South on the Water District Map.
2. The Allentown Water District-North shall be that portion of the Township designated on the Allentown Water District-North on the Water District Map.
3. All public water mains servicing property in the Allentown Water Districts South or North shall be supplied by the City of Allentown Water System.
(Ord. 238, 2/7/1990, § 2)