   The owner, possessor or keeper of any animal shall keep the animal under restraint at all times and shall not permit the animal to be at large off the premises or property of the owner, possessor or keeper. Any animal shall be deemed to be at large when it is off the property of its owner, possessor or keeper and not under control of a competent person either by leash, cord, chain or otherwise. An animal is under RESTRAINT, within the meaning of this section, if it is controlled by a leash, “at heal” beside a competent person and is obedient to that person’s commands, on or within a vehicle being driven or parked on the streets or within the property limits of its owner, possessor or keeper.
(2010 Code, § 175.01) Penalty, see § 90.99
   (A)   Every animal running at large within the village shall be impounded by the Animal Control Officer. Impoundment may be made in any public animal pound.
   (B)   It shall be the duty of the Animal Control Officer to notify, by mail, the owner of every animal impounded, if known, that the animal has been impounded and the place of impoundment, giving the date the animal was impounded. It shall be the duty of the owner of the impounded animal to immediately redeem the animal, unless the animal has been impounded for biting some person within the village or is afflicted or suspected of being afflicted with rabies and is being held for observation. Upon the neglect or failure of any person owning any impounded animal to redeem the animal within seven days from the date of mailing the notice of impoundment, the animal may be redeemed by any other person by paying to the Animal Control Officer or to the Village Treasurer all charges accrued for impounding the animal. Every dog redeemed must have attached to its collar a licensed dog tag for the calendar year before being released by the Animal Control Officer. If the owner fails to redeem the impounded animal within 24 hours after receipt of the notice, a charge shall be made as set by the Board of Trustees from time to time per day, commencing from the expiration of the 24-hour period until the animal has been redeemed. This charge shall be in addition to the redemption fee provided for in division (C) below.
   (C)   For the first violation, the prevailing rates charged by the animal shelter and by the village shall be charged for every animal impounded at that shelter. For the second violation, the fee shall be twice that for the first violation. For the third violation, the fee shall be three times that for the first violation.
   (D)   No impounded animal which has bitten a person shall be redeemed before the expiration of ten days, as provided in division (E) below.
   (E)   Every animal not afflicted with rabies, which has been impounded for biting any person within the village, may be redeemed at the end of ten days, upon payment to the village of all charges and expenses incurred for impounding and keeping the animal. Unless all expenses and charges incurred by the village for impounding or confining any animal which has bitten any person in the village shall be paid within four days after the period for impounding the animal has expired, the animal shall be destroyed by the Animal Control Officer.
   (F)   Any animal not redeemed after notice in accordance with the provisions of this section may be destroyed in a modern lethal chamber to be used for the purpose of destroying animals or may be destroyed by a licensed veterinarian in any humane manner, upon written order of the Animal Control Officer.
(2010 Code, § 175.01)
   (A)   Barking dogs. No person owning, possessing or harboring any animal within the village shall permit the barking of the animal to disturb the peace and quiet of any neighborhood where the animal is kept, harbored or resides. Any person residing in a neighborhood, whose peace and quiet has been disturbed by any animal harbored in the neighborhood may make a sworn complaint before the proper police officials against the owner, possessor, keeper or harborer of the animal. Any owner, possessor, keeper or harborer of any animal which disturbs the peace and quiet of any neighborhood in violation of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be punished as provided for in this chapter.
   (B)   Cruelty to animals. It shall be unlawful for any person to cruelly treat any animal in the village in any way. Any person who inhumanely beats, underfeeds, overloads or abandons any animal shall be deemed guilty of violating this section. It shall be unlawful for any person to, by any means, either willfully or for want of reasonable care, frighten any horse, mule or other animal, being at the time attached to any vehicle or in charge of any person.
   (C)   Exhibiting animals. Exhibitions or parades of animals which are ferae naturae in the eyes of the law may be conducted only upon securing a permit from the Board of Trustees.
   (D)   Diseased animals. No domestic animal afflicted with a contagious or infectious disease shall be allowed to run at large, or to be exposed in any public place where the health of human or beast may be affected, nor shall any diseased animal be shipped or removed from the premises of the owner, except under the supervision of the County Veterinarian.
   (E)   Encouraging to fight. It shall be unlawful for any person to set any dogs or other animals or fowls to fighting, or to in any manner encourage them after they have commenced to fight.
   (F)   Animals in heat. Any owner or keeper of any female animal residing within the limits of the village shall keep the animal, while in heat, in a tight enclosure for a period of 20 days from the beginning of heat.
(2010 Code, § 175.01) Penalty, see § 90.99
   (A)   It shall be unlawful for any person to liberate, or attempt to liberate, any impounded animal or any animal captured or confined within a vehicle under the control of the Animal Control Officer or any police officer for conveyance to the animal pound.
   (B)   Any animal suspected of being afflicted with rabies, running at large within the village, may be slain by the Animal Control Officer, or by any police officer, sheriff, deputy sheriff or other law enforcement officer, if the officer deems it essential to the safety of any person within the village.
   (C)   Any fierce or dangerous animal running at large within the village, whose capture endangers or threatens the safety of the Animal Control Officer, or his or her assistants, may be slain by the officer or assistants.
   (D)   In addition to the powers given to the Animal Control Officer, any police officer may issue a notice to appear to any person suspected of violating any provision of this chapter and may impound or cause to be impounded any animal running at large.
(2010 Code, § 175.01)
§ 90.09 HOUSING.
   No person shall cause or allow any stable or place where any animal is or may be kept to become unclean or unwholesome, and it shall be unlawful to keep any live swine, pigs, sheep or horses in the village. It shall be unlawful to keep or have any goats anywhere in the village, or any cattle, sheep, horses or chickens within 150 feet of any residence, other than the residence of the person keeping the animals.
(2010 Code, § 175.01) Penalty, see § 90.99
   (A)   It shall be unlawful for any person to ride or drive any horse or other animal in the village at a greater speed than eight miles an hour or to race any horse or other animal on any public street, avenue or alley.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful for any person to immoderately ride or drive any horse, mule or other animal on any avenue, street or alley of the village, or to willfully or heedlessly drive any animal so that the animal or any vehicle attached to it shall collide with any other vehicle or shall strike any person.
   (C)   It shall be unlawful for any person to permit to run loose in the village or to lead, ride or drive any animal upon any sidewalk.
   (D)   It shall be unlawful for any person to ride or drive any horse, mare, mule or gelding or other beast of burden violently or carelessly through or along any street, lane, alley or other public thoroughfare in the village so as to endanger the safety of any person or property.
   (E)   It shall be unlawful for any driver of any horse, team or other vehicle to stop in any public street or other public thoroughfare in the village so as to obstruct the street or other public thoroughfare in a manner which will prevent any horse, team or other vehicle from passing, except in the case of absolute necessity, or to hinder or stop any pedestrian from pursuing his or her journey on the sidewalks and street crossings. In all cases, persons meeting each other riding on horseback or driving any wagon or other vehicle on any street or other public highway in the village shall each turn off to the right to enable persons and vehicles to pass each other without delay or accident.
(2010 Code, § 175.01) Penalty, see § 90.99
§ 90.11 CHICKENS.
   All chickens must be kept in compliance with the following requirements.
   (A)   No person shall keep or maintain more than six chickens in any residential area within the village limits. Roosters are prohibited.
   (B)   Chickens are only permitted on lots with a zoning classification of R-1 and are inhabited on a full-time basis. No chickens are permitted at multi- family dwellings.
   (C)   The pen, poultry house, or other structure shall be located behind the rear plane of the existing dwelling (not in the front or side yard) and maintained in a clean and sanitary condition at all times. Said structure must be located a minimum of five feet from any adjoining property line.
   (D)   Shelter of chickens shall be covered and ventilated to protect animals from inclement weather and predators. Electric service to the structure shall not be provided by an extension cord.
   (E)   Storage vessels for containing feed shall be impervious to pest and vermin.
   (F)   Chickens must be maintained in a humane condition. Chickens may be slaughtered only for the owner's personal consumption and may not be sold or otherwise distributed.
   (G)   Waste must not be stockpiled to create a nuisance or odor.
   (H)   Chickens kept in pursuant to this section must be kept in a manner so as to not cause inconvenience or disturbance to other persons by reason of noise, odor or nuisance.
   (I)   Any person who violates, neglects, or refuses to comply with, or who resists or opposes the enforcement of, any provision of this chapter, upon conviction thereof shall be fined no less than $50, nor more than $300, and such person shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day during which said violation continues.
(Ord. 20-06-02, passed 6-16-2020)