(A)   Barking dogs. No person owning, possessing or harboring any animal within the village shall permit the barking of the animal to disturb the peace and quiet of any neighborhood where the animal is kept, harbored or resides. Any person residing in a neighborhood, whose peace and quiet has been disturbed by any animal harbored in the neighborhood may make a sworn complaint before the proper police officials against the owner, possessor, keeper or harborer of the animal. Any owner, possessor, keeper or harborer of any animal which disturbs the peace and quiet of any neighborhood in violation of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be punished as provided for in this chapter.
   (B)   Cruelty to animals. It shall be unlawful for any person to cruelly treat any animal in the village in any way. Any person who inhumanely beats, underfeeds, overloads or abandons any animal shall be deemed guilty of violating this section. It shall be unlawful for any person to, by any means, either willfully or for want of reasonable care, frighten any horse, mule or other animal, being at the time attached to any vehicle or in charge of any person.
   (C)   Exhibiting animals. Exhibitions or parades of animals which are ferae naturae in the eyes of the law may be conducted only upon securing a permit from the Board of Trustees.
   (D)   Diseased animals. No domestic animal afflicted with a contagious or infectious disease shall be allowed to run at large, or to be exposed in any public place where the health of human or beast may be affected, nor shall any diseased animal be shipped or removed from the premises of the owner, except under the supervision of the County Veterinarian.
   (E)   Encouraging to fight. It shall be unlawful for any person to set any dogs or other animals or fowls to fighting, or to in any manner encourage them after they have commenced to fight.
   (F)   Animals in heat. Any owner or keeper of any female animal residing within the limits of the village shall keep the animal, while in heat, in a tight enclosure for a period of 20 days from the beginning of heat.
(2010 Code, § 175.01) Penalty, see § 90.99