The village may employ a person or persons, to be designated the “Animal Control Officer”, for purposes of this chapter with the following responsibilities and powers.
   (A)   The Animal Control Officer shall impound, or cause to be impounded, and shall dispose of, according to the provisions in this code, all animals running at large within the village. The officer shall maintain a record of every animal impounded, describing the breed, color and sex, together with the time and place the animal was captured, the final disposition made of each animal and any other information obtained.
   (B)   The Animal Control Officer shall be responsible for the general administration and enforcement of the provisions contained in this chapter and may make complaints and issue citations for violations of these provisions.
   (C)   The Animal Control Officer is clothed with police powers and, before entering upon his or her duties, shall take the oath of office prescribed for all other police officers of the village. The officer shall wear the uniform the Board prescribes and shall be furnished with equipment as provided by the Board.
   (D)   It shall be unlawful for any person to interfere with the Animal Control Officer, or any of his or her assistants, in the performance of their duties, or to prevent or attempt to prevent any of them from capturing or impounding any animal within the village.
(2010 Code, § 175.01) Penalty, see § 90.99