The authorized traffic-control signs in the village are in the following locations:
Street/Location | Side/Direction |
Street/Location | Side/Direction |
Albert Court, where it joins Nora Street | West side of south-bound |
Alley parallel with and between North Main Street and North First Street where the alley joins Chicago Street | East side of north-bound |
Chicago Street, where it joins North First Street | South side of east-bound |
Chicago Street, where it joins North First Street | North side of west-bound |
Chicago Street, where it joins North Main Street | North side of west-bound |
Chicago Street, where it joins North Second Street | North side of west-bound |
Chicago Street, where it joins North Main Street | South side of east-bound |
Chicago Street, where it joins North Runkle Street | South side of east-bound |
Lake View Drive, where it joins Lake Shore Drive | North side of south-bound |
Nora Street, where it joins North Main Street | North side of west-bound |
Peoria Street, where it joins North First Street | North side of west-bound |
Peoria Street, where it joins North Runkle Street | South side of east-bound |
Peoria Street, where it joins North Main Street | South side of east-bound |
Peoria Street, where it joins North Main Street | North side of west-bound |
South First Street, where it joins Hanna Street | West side of south-bound |
South Runkle Street, where it joins Hanna Street | West side of south-bound |
South Third Street, where it joins Hanna Street | West side of south-bound |
(2010 Code, § 172.01)
90.01 County regulations adopted by reference
90.02 Definition
90.03 Animal Control Officer
90.04 Dog inoculation and registration required
90.05 Animals running at large
90.06 Impoundment procedure
90.07 Animal offenses and nuisances
90.08 Enforcement
90.09 Housing
90.10 Driving, riding animals
90.11 Chickens
90.99 Penalty
Health and Sanitation; Nuisances, see Ch. 92
The village may employ a person or persons, to be designated the “Animal Control Officer”, for purposes of this chapter with the following responsibilities and powers.
(A) The Animal Control Officer shall impound, or cause to be impounded, and shall dispose of, according to the provisions in this code, all animals running at large within the village. The officer shall maintain a record of every animal impounded, describing the breed, color and sex, together with the time and place the animal was captured, the final disposition made of each animal and any other information obtained.
(B) The Animal Control Officer shall be responsible for the general administration and enforcement of the provisions contained in this chapter and may make complaints and issue citations for violations of these provisions.
(C) The Animal Control Officer is clothed with police powers and, before entering upon his or her duties, shall take the oath of office prescribed for all other police officers of the village. The officer shall wear the uniform the Board prescribes and shall be furnished with equipment as provided by the Board.
(D) It shall be unlawful for any person to interfere with the Animal Control Officer, or any of his or her assistants, in the performance of their duties, or to prevent or attempt to prevent any of them from capturing or impounding any animal within the village.
(2010 Code, § 175.01) Penalty, see § 90.99
(A) No dog shall be permitted to be in or remain in the village without being inoculated against rabies and registered pursuant to Chapter 5, Article II of the Peoria County Code of Ordinances. Evidence of such inoculation shall be entered upon a certificate, the form of which shall be approved by the County Board, and the certificate shall be signed by the licensed veterinarian administering the vaccine.
(B) It shall be the duty of the owner of a dog to procure an inoculation tag from the county and cause such inoculation tag to be securely attached to a collar or harness to be worn by the dog whenever the dog is not confined in a secure enclosure. If a dog is not inoculated and registered, said dog shall be impounded and may be redeemed or disposed of as set forth in the impoundment procedures of this chapter.
(2010 Code, § 175.01) (Ord. 21-05-03, passed 5-17- 2021)
Penalty, see § 90.99
The owner, possessor or keeper of any animal shall keep the animal under restraint at all times and shall not permit the animal to be at large off the premises or property of the owner, possessor or keeper. Any animal shall be deemed to be at large when it is off the property of its owner, possessor or keeper and not under control of a competent person either by leash, cord, chain or otherwise. An animal is under RESTRAINT, within the meaning of this section, if it is controlled by a leash, “at heal” beside a competent person and is obedient to that person’s commands, on or within a vehicle being driven or parked on the streets or within the property limits of its owner, possessor or keeper.
(2010 Code, § 175.01)
Penalty, see § 90.99