Drawing Specifications
1193.01   Preliminary plat specifications.
1193.02   Construction plans.
1193.03   Final plat specifications.
   (a)   Application. A Preliminary Plat application, submission fee, and associated documentation shall be submitted. The Preliminary Plat shall be prepared by a registered professional engineer or surveyor, authorized to practice under the laws of the State of Ohio.
   (b)   Drawing Specifications. The horizontal scale of the Preliminary Plat shall be drawn at a scale of 100 or less to the inch and the vertical scale of the street and sewer profiles shall be drawn at a scale of twenty (20) feet or less to the inch, if required. The Preliminary Plat drawings shall include the following features and information:
      (1)   A vicinity map at a scale of 400 feet or more to the inch shall be drawn on or shall accompany the Preliminary Plat. This shall show all existing subdivisions and the street and tract lines or acreage of parcels of land, together with names of record owners of such parcels immediately adjoining the proposed subdivision and between it and the nearest existing highways and thoroughfares. It shall also show the streets and alleys in neighboring subdivisions or unplatted property to produce the most advantageous development of the entire neighborhood.
      (2)   The proposed name of the subdivision shall not duplicate or closely approximate the name of any other subdivision in Butler County.
      (3)   The tract designation according to real estate records of the Recorder of Butler County.
      (4)   The names and addresses of the owner of record, the Subdivider, and the engineer and/or surveyor.
      (5)   The names of adjacent subdivisions and the names of record owners of adjacent parcels of unplatted land.
      (6)   The boundary lines, accurate in scale, of the tract to be subdivided.
      (7)   The location, widths, and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways within or adjacent to the tract, and other important features such as existing permanent buildings, water courses, railroads, corporation lines, township lines, pipelines, high tension lines, section lines, etc.
      (8)   Existing sewers, gas mains, water mains, culverts, telecommunication facilities, and other underground structures within the tract and immediately adjacent thereto with pipe sizes and grades indicated.
      (9)   Benchmark and contours, normally with intervals of two (2) feet referenced to U.S.G.S. Datum, or as required by the Director of Planning.
      (10)   The layout, proposed names, and widths of proposed streets, alleys, and easements; and the layout, numbers and approximate dimensions of proposed lots (proposed street names shall not duplicate or closely approximate any existing street names in the City of Hamilton and its near vicinity except extensions of existing streets. A street may be named avenue, way, boulevard, parkway, place, circle, street, lane, drive, or court - but not road).
      (11)   Zoning boundary lines, proposed uses of property, and proposed front yard setback lines.
      (12)   All parcels of land intended to be dedicated or temporarily reserved for public use, or to be reserved in the deeds for the common use of property owners in the subdivision, with the purpose, condition, or limitation of such reservation indicated.
      (13)   A development summary chart should provide the following information:
         A.   The total acreage of the subdivision
         B.   Typical lot size
         C.   Number of lots
         D.   Number of housing units
         E.   Total acreage of open space or commonly owned areas
         F.   Total acreage dedicated for public rights-of-way
      (14)   North point, scale, and date.
      (15)   A preliminary storm drainage plan on a separate sheet that provides the following:
         A.   An adequate, complete, and satisfactory preliminary drainage plan for the entire area being platted for all projected land uses.
         B.   A storm drainage study and plan information that includes all watershed and floodplain areas, overall design calculations and boundaries, contours at two (2) foot intervals or less, and the location and size of all existing and proposed storm sewers, under drains, inlets, culverts, bridges, creeks, open ditches, swales, existing watercourses to be relocated or abandoned, drainage outlets and their adequacy, and other pertinent drainage facilities.
         C.   If the subdivision is traversed by a water course, channel, stream, or creek, the prior or present location of such water course, channel, stream, or creek shall be shown on the preliminary storm drainage plan. The information submitted shall include adjacent areas, when deemed necessary for design and review purposes.
         D.   All normal title and identifying information shall be shown on the plan along with a statement by the engineer or surveyor certifying that the plan submitted provides adequate and complete storm drainage services for the parts of the entire area being platted and comments on the impact, if any, that the proposed development will have on drainage of adjacent areas.
         E.   Arrows shall be used to indicate the direction of flow of all drainage.
      (16)   A general statement describing proposed improvements and drainage systems.
         (Ord. 2021-5-30. Passed 5-12-21.)
   (a)   Construction plans, including the following, for improvements to be installed shall be furnished to the City in accordance with the specifications of the official having jurisdiction and shall receive approval of those officials before improvements are installed.
   (b)   Drawing Specifications.
      (1)   The centerline profile of each proposed street at the scale of fifty (50) feet or less to the inch, with tentative grades indicated.
      (2)   The typical section of each proposed street, showing the width of pavement, the location and width of sidewalks, and the location and size of utility mains.
      (3)   The plans and profiles of proposed sanitary sewers, with grades and sizes indicated, or method of sewage disposal in lieu of sewers.
      (4)   A plan of the proposed water distribution system, showing pipe sizes and the location of valves and fire hydrants.
      (5)   A plan of the proposed gas distribution system, showing pipe sizes, location of valves and other facilities.
      (6)   A plan of the proposed electric distribution system, showing conduit sizes, and the location of junction boxes, transformers, and streetlights.
      (7)   A detailed storm drainage plan on a separate sheet that provides the following:
         A.   An adequate, complete, and satisfactory detailed drainage plan for the entire area being platted and for all project land uses that is in conformance with the City's stormwater regulations.
         B.   The plan shall include all the information required for the preliminary storm drainage plan and any additional data as may be required by the Director of Engineering. The plan shall detail the design needed to completely drain the area, including design calculations.
         C.   The drainage plan shall clearly show the method to be used for the adequate disposal of all storm water, including drainage outlets and the impact that the proposed development will have on drainage of adjacent areas.
         D.   Construction plans that are sufficiently complete and detailed in order to construct all facilities shown on the drainage plan.
         E.   A certification of the Subdivider and his engineer.
   The detailed storm drainage plan shall be known as the Official Drainage Plan following its approval by the Director of Engineering.
(Ord. 2021-5-30. Passed 5-12-21.)
   (a)   Application. A Final Plat application, submission fee, and associated documentation shall be submitted. The Final Plat shall be prepared by a registered professional engineer or surveyor, authorized to practice under the laws of the State of Ohio.
   (b)   Drawing Specifications. The horizontal scale of the Final Plat shall be drawn at a scale of 100 or less to the and shall include the following features and information:
      (1)   All plat boundary lines with lengths of courses to hundreds of a foot and bearings to seconds. These boundaries shall be determined by an accurate survey in the field, which shall be balanced and closed with an error of closure of not to exceed 1 to 10,000.
      (2)   Name of the subdivision and name or number of the largest subdivision or tract of which the tract now subdivided forms a part.
      (3)   Names and locations of adjoining subdivisions and location and ownership of adjoining un-subdivided property.
      (4)   Names and addresses of the owner of record, the Subdivider, and the engineer or surveyor.
      (5)   Northpoint, scale, and date.
      (6)   The exact location and width along the property line of all existing recorded streets intersection or paralleling the boundaries of the tract.
      (7)   True bearing and distances to the nearest street bounds, patent, or other established survey lines, or other official monuments, which monuments shall be located or accurately described on the plat. Any patent or established survey of corporation lines shall be accurately monument-marked and located on the plat, and their names shall be lettered on them.
      (8)   The accurate location and material of all permanent reference monuments.
      (9)   A Development Summary Chart should provide the following information:
         A.   The total acreage of the subdivision
         B.   Typical lot size
         C.   Number of lots
         D.   Number of housing units
         E.   Total acreage of open space or commonly owned areas
         F.   Total acreage dedicated for public right-of-way
      (10)   The exact layout including:
         A.   Street and alley lines - their names, bearing, length (along center line), angles of intersection and widths (including widths along the line of any obliquely-intersecting street)
         B.   The length of all arcs - radii, points of curvature and tangent bearings
         C.   All easements of rights-of-way, when provided for or onward by public services (with the limitation of the easement rights definitely stated on the plat)
         D.   All lot lines with dimensions in feed and hundredths, and with bearings and angles to minutes if other than right angles to the street and alley lines.
      (11)   Lots numbered in accordance with Butler County standards. In tracts containing more than one block, the blocks shall be lettered in alphabetical order. In case there is a re-subdivision of lots in any block, such re-subdivided lots shall be designated by their original number prefixed with the term most accurately describing such division, such as: W.% of 3, N 40’ of 5, etc., or they shall be designated numerically beginning with the number following the highest lot number in the block.
      (12)   The accurate outline of all property which is offered for dedication for public use, and of all property that may be reserved by Covenant in the deeds for the common use of the property owners in the Subdivision, with the purpose indicated thereon. The Planning Commission may authorize the designation of certain parcels for future street purposes; provided, that the Subdivider is the legal owner of all lands, adjacent to or abutting the said future street and, provided the Subdivider is the legal owner of all lands adjacent to or abutting the said future street and, provided further, the Subdivider agrees in writing to dedicate and improve the same in the manner herein prescribed if and when required by the Planning Commission at any time after approval of the Final Plat.
      (13)   Front yard setback building lines as fixed by the Zoning Ordinance and any other set backlines or street lines established by public authority, and those stipulated in the deed restrictions. Side yard and rear yard building setback lines shall be shown as a note on the Final Plat.
      (14)   Private restrictions if any:
         A.   Boundaries of each type of use restrictions.
         B.   Other private restrictions for each definitely restricted sections of the subdivisions.
      (15)   Statement that any lot transferred will have a minimum width and area substantially the same as those shown on the plat, and that only one principal building will be permitted on any such lot, provided that no such statement shall be required while the land is controlled by City or County zoning.
      (16)   The Subdivider shall acknowledge on the Final Plat the various improvement requirements as set forth in this Ordinance and as may be specified by the Director of Engineering by notation on the Final Plat. The Subdivider shall contact the City for the standard language that is to be included on the Final Plat.
      (17)   Certification by a registered professional engineer or surveyor to the effect that:
         A.   The plat represents a survey made by him and that all monuments indicated thereon actually exist and their location, size, and material are correctly shown.
         B.   All requirements of these subdivision regulations have been fully complied with.
      (18)   Acknowledgement of the owners and witnesses before an officer authorized to take the acknowledgment of deeds, which officer shall certify their official act on the plat.
      (19)   Homeowners Association Declaration, Articles of Incorporation, Covenants and Restrictions, or Supplemental Declaration if required, to be filed with the Plat.
      (20)   Copies of any private restrictions to be included in the deeds should be included with the Final Plat.
         (Ord. 2021-5-30. Passed 5-12-21.)