123.01 Goals and objectives
123.02 Eligibility
123.03 Term of policy
123.04 Application and review process
123.05 Evaluation process and criteria
123.06 Delinquent tax issues
123.07 Types of incentives; use of multiple incentives by any one applicant
123.08 Real property tax incentives
123.09 Real property tax incentives for rehabilitation areas
123.10 Personal property tax incentives
123.11 Contaminated sites; remediation tax incentives
123.12 Property improvement incentives
123.13 Waiver of building permit fees
123.14 Miscellaneous
(A) The goal of this economic development incentive policy is to strengthen Hamden's manufacturing, technology and commercial tax base and produce a viable tax revenue stream.
(B) The objectives of this policy are as follows:
(1) To ensure that Hamden remains a competitive business location in both the state and the region;
(2) To encourage the retention and expansion of existing businesses;
(3) To aid in the location of new businesses to Hamden;
(4) To encourage the redevelopment and adaptive reuse of obsolete or distressed properties which pose special development problems because of their age, configuration and location;
(5) To assist in the redemption and redevelopment of contaminated industrial and commercial sites;
(6) To support the economic development of Hamden's Enterprise Zone and encourage the location and expansion of manufacturing and warehouse/distribution businesses throughout town in conjunction with the town's state designation as a targeted investment community;
(7) To support economic development in Hamden's Neighborhood Revitalization Zones; and
(8) To aid major new industrial or commercial developments, which, through the extension and improvement of public infrastructure, will create parcels suitable for, industrial, commercial or mixed use development projects where town participation makes the project both feasible and competitive, or where the town's contribution creates new industrial parks or businesses.
(Ord. 384, passed 10-19-08; Am. Ord. 446, passed 10-1-01; Am. Ord. 510, passed 2-7-05; Am. Ord. 562, passed 7-7-08; Am. Ord. 613, passed 1-3-12; Am. Ord. 654, passed 1-5-15)
(A) Real property incentives may be available to any party owning or proposing to acquire an interest in real property in the Town of Hamden, or any party owning or proposing to acquire an interest in air space in the town, or with any party who is the lessee of, or who proposes to be the lessee of, air space in the town in such a manner that the air space leased or proposed to be leased shall be assessed to the lessee pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat., § 12-64, fixing the assessment of the real property or air space which is the subject of the agreement, and all improvements thereon or therein and to be constructed thereon or therein subject to the provisions set for the below provided that the improvements shall be for one of the following: 1) office use; 2) retail use; 3) permanent residential use; 4) transient residential use; 5) manufacturing; 6) warehouse, storage or distribution use; 7) structured multi-leveled parking use necessary in connection with a mass transit system; 8) information technology; 9) recreational facilities; or 10) transportation facilities and which meet the eligibility criteria listed below.
(B) Personal property incentives may be available to any party owning or proposing to acquire an interest in real property in the Town of Hamden, or with any party owning or proposing to acquire an interest in air space in the town, or with any party who is the lessee of, or who proposes to be the lessee of, air space in the town in such a manner that the air space leased or proposed to be leased shall be assessed to the lessee pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat., § 12-64, upon which is located or proposed to be located a manufacturing facility, as defined in Conn. Gen. Stat., § 12-81(72) and which meet the edibility as listed below.
(C) Real property incentives may be available to the owner of any real property located in Neighborhood Revitalization Zones (Highwood and State Street neighborhoods have been designated by the town as Neighborhood Revitalization Zones) who agrees to rehabilitate such property or construct new multi-family rental housing or cooperative housing on such property and which meet the eligibility criteria listed below.
(Ord. 428, passed 12-4-00; Am. Ord. 446, passed 10-1-01; Am. Ord. 510, passed 2-7-05; Am. Ord. 562, passed 7-7-08; Am. Ord. 613, passed 1-3-12; Am. Ord. 654, passed 1-5-15)