Every person, firm, and corporation, either by himself, itself, agent or agents, using gasoline pumps or other automatic liquid-measuring devices for the sale of gasoline and other volatile, inflammable fluids, shall provide himself, itself or themselves with proper standard measures, duly sealed by the sealer of weights and measures of the town, in capacities of one gallon and 5 gallons, for the purpose of making tests to ascertain whether the measuring device used is delivering the correct quantity of liquid. Tests of each pump or other measuring device must be made by the seller or sellers before he or they make the first sale each day, and also before commencing to dispense any new supply of liquid.
('66 Code, § 62-1) Penalty, see § 118.99
No person, firm, or corporation, either by himself, itself, agent or agents, shall fail to provide himself or itself with such standard measures, or shall fail to test the gasoline pump or other automatic measuring device as provided in § 118.01 of this chapter.
('66 Code, § 62-2) Penalty, see § 118.99