   124.01   Definitions
   124.02   Causes for disqualification
   124.03   Disqualification; exceptions
   124.04   Notice of hearing; hearing procedure
   For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   "CONTRACT" or "CONTRACTING." Any relationship or arrangement with the town whereby a contractor seeks or obtains the right to supply, or supplies goods, supplies, services or equipment to the town directly, or indirectly through a relationship with any other contractor such as by being an agent, subcontractor, joint venture, supplier and the like.
   "CONTRACTOR." Any person, firm, corporation or other entity, including professional consultants, which has contracted or seeks to contract with the town or to participate in such a contract in connection with any public works of the town.
   "DISQUALIFICATION." The prohibition of any contractor from bidding on, applying for, or participating as a subcontractor on, town contracts in response to an invitation to bid or from being considered for the awarding of any town contract or purchase order.
   "HEARING OFFICER." The person appointed by the Mayor to hear and decide allegations that any contractor should be disqualified pursuant to this chapter, except that no hearing officer shall be appointed who has personally carried out the function of investigator in any contested issue before that hearing officer.
   "PUBLIC WORKS." The use of federal, state or local funds for a project that serves the interest of the general public.
(Ord. 517, passed 4-4-05)