(A)   The contractor or his agent shall under no circumstances start work on a project until the provisions of §§ 51.15 and 51.16 are fulfilled and the permit required therein is on the site of the work where it shall remain until completion of the job. The contractor is not allowed to commence any work until arrangements have been made for its inspection.
   (B)   At least one-way traffic shall be maintained in the road at all times. However, under unusual circumstances, the Police Department may permit the temporary closing of a road. In such case, the contractor shall secure permission from the Police Department and should notify the Fire Department of such closing permission.
   (C)   Adequate barricades and, when necessary, lights and red flags shall be erected and maintained in the street as long as the Police Department deems it advisable.
   (D)   The contractor shall schedule his work so as not to allow open trench conditions over the weekend or holidays, nor during the week in excess of 48 hours without special permission from the Engineer.
(Ord 235, adopted 9-4-84) Penalty, see § 51.99