Service equipment may be installed on the first floor or in the basement of a building. It shall not be installed in an attic, on the second floor, or in an area normally designated as a closet. In every case, service conductors shall leave the building in the shortest run possible. Service conductors shall not run laterally in the hollow part of a wall.
(Ord. 7-1992, passed 12-21-1992) Penalty, see § 51.999
(A) A minimum of a 100 amperes service panel shall be installed in the construction of new homes.
(1) A minimum of a 200 ampere service panel shall be installed on homes wherein electricity is used as the main heating source.
(2) The Electric Utility recommends that the size of service on large or total electric homes be discussed with the utility in order to decide upon an adequate service sizing.
(B) Breaker service panels or fuse service panels, and service entrance conductor, size requirements are as follows.
(1) One hundred ampere service requires two-strand copper wire with a number 4 strand copper wire neutral as a minimum.
(2) Two hundred ampere service requires a number 3/0 copper wire with a number 2 strand copper wire neutral as a minimum.
(3) All panels shall provide a minimum of twelve 125-volt lighting and appliance circuits.
(C) Not more than 36 inches of service entrance conductors or cable shall be concealed between the meter socket and the service panel without a main disconnecting switch being installed at the meter socket.
(1) Service entrance conductors shall run no farther than 20 feet exposed between the meter socket and service panel unless a main disconnecting switch is installed at the meter socket.
(2) If properly sized service entrance conductors are installed in a metallic raceway (conduit), no limit shall be placed on the length of run from the meter socket to the service panel.
(Ord. 7-1992, passed 12-21-1992) Penalty, see § 51.999
(A) The Electric Utility Manager shall conduct inspections of wiring in order to ascertain compliance. All requests for inspection shall be made 24 hours in advance of actual need.
(B) All wiring shall be neatly and completely installed, except for fixtures that the Manager may direct to the left open for inspection purposes. All wiring shall be subject to two inspections, one being a rough-in, and the other the completed installation.
(Ord. 7-1992, passed 12-21-1992) Penalty, see § 51.999
A minimum of six inches of free conductor shall be left at each outlet and switch for the purposes of making joints or connections and for fixture devices. The fixtures and devices shall be left open for final inspection. All junction boxes shall be readily accessible.
(Ord. 7-1992, passed 12-21-1992) Penalty, see § 51.999
(A) Receptacles shall be located a minimum of every six feet measured horizontally along the wall. Any 2-foot interruption in wall space shall be included in the six feet. This shall also apply to kitchens; except, as outlet every four feet, with no more than two outlets per circuit, shall be provided for usable counter space.
(B) Each two outlets shall be fused for 20-amp capacity. No overhead fixtures shall be allowed on any outlet circuit. No more than eight outlets shall be allowed on any circuit.
(Ord. 7-1992, passed 12-21-1992)
(A) All wire shall be number 12 copper or larger. All receptacles in basements, garages, bathrooms, and kitchen counter spaces shall be a grounded type. Receptacles installed on number 3 wire, 30-amp and 50-amp branch circuits may not be of the grounded type as the National Electrical Code permits the grounded neutral conductor to serve as the equipment ground for ranges and clothes dryers served by 120/240 volt three-wire circuits. These are the only appliances wherein the neutral may be used for an equipment ground.
(B) A minimum of three-wire number 10 copper with ground is required for water heaters of 30 gallons or more capacity. In all cases, the white colored covered wire or bare wire shall be used to ground the frame of the water heater.
(1) If a breaker-type service panel is used, the water heater may be connected to a 30-amp two-pole breaker in the main (distribution) panel.
(2) In a fused-type main panel, the water heater shall be connected to a 30-amp pullout circuit protector.
(3) Any water heater or dryer located a distance greater than ten feet from the main service panel shall have a separate 30-amp disconnecting means located within five feet of the appliance. Fusing shall not exceed the capacity of the wire. The number 10 wire may run a maximum distance of 50 feet. If the run distance is greater than 50 feet, the wire shall be one size larger (size number 8).
(a) A minimum of three number 10 copper wires shall also apply to the dryer.
(b) Three number 6 copper wires shall be used for 50-amp range circuits.
(Ord. 7-1992, passed 12-21-1992) Penalty, see § 51.999
All wire used for underground service shall be insulated for underground applications. A conduit shall be used at both ends of the underground service. A circuit breaker shall be provided at the starting end before the service goes underground. All wire, conduits, circuit breakers, and the like shall be furnished and installed by the customers electrical contractor and at the customers expense.
(Ord. 7-1992, passed 12-21-1992) Penalty, see § 51.999
(A) Load centers shall be of the meter pole type with a minimum of 200-amp capacity. Three/zero copper wire in conduit or 3/0 copper entrance cable shall be used. No entrance cable shall be used in conduit.
(B) If two 100-amp breakers are used, number 2 strand copper wire may be used from the meter to each individual breaker.
(C) The combination meter and breaker box shall be furnished by the Electric Utility. The breakers shall be furnished by the Electric Utility and both the combination box and breakers shall be installed by the customers electrical contractor at the customers expense. The meter box and breaker box combination shall not be mounted on Electric Utility transformer poles.
(Ord. 7-1992, passed 12-21-1992) Penalty, see § 51.999
(A) If a service pole is required it shall be furnished and installed by the customer at the customer’s expense upon approval by the Electric Utility. The meter base shall be furnished by the Electric Utility and installed by the customers electric contractor at the customers expense.
(B) A minimum 30-amp breaker box or fuse box shall be furnished by the customer at the customers expense and installed by the customers electric contractor at the customers expense and shall immediately follow the meter installation. Wire size shall not be less than number 6 copper.
(Ord. 7-1992, passed 12-21-1992) Penalty, see § 51.999