17.22.010 Intent.
17.22.020 Permitted uses.
17.22.025 Accessory uses.
17.22.030 Conditional uses.
17.22.040 Minimum lot area.
17.22.050 Maximum building height.
17.22.060 Minimum lot width.
17.22.070 Maximum lot coverage.
17.22.080 Minimum yard requirements.
17.22.090 Parking requirements.
17.22.100 Fence and hedge requirements.
17.22.110 Sign requirements.
The purpose of the R-1 Single Family Residential District is to accommodate residential uses composed of a single, detached residence per lot with the exception of a second residential unit or accessory dwelling unit characterized by a density range varying with the utilization and combination of the single-family subzones per gross acre with lots fronting a public street. The following single family subzones are hereby established:
A. R-1A: The purpose of the R-1A subzone is to accommodate and preserve the single family residential uses composed of a single detached residence per lot with the exception of a second residential unit if it can meet the lot coverage requirements.
B. R-1B: The purpose of the R-1B subzone is to accommodate and preserve the single family residential uses composed of a single detached residence per lot with the exception of a second residential unit if it can meet the lot coverage requirements.
C. R-1C: The purpose of the R-1C subzone is to accommodate and preserve the single family residential uses composed of a single detached residence per lot with the exception of a second residential unit if it can meet the lot coverage requirements.
(Ord. 845-2023, § 1 (part), 2023; Ord. 825-2017 § 2, 2017; Ord. 823-2016 § 7 (part), 2016)
Permitted principal uses in any R-1, R-1A, R-1B, and R1-C district shall be as follows:
A. One single-family dwelling unit per lot provided it meets all of the following criteria:
1. The structure is a conventional framed, prefabricated, kit, modular or manufactured home.
2. It is placed on a foundation system pursuant to Section 18551 of the Health and Safety Code.
B. Small family child care home, as defined by Section 17.04.077.
C. Family care facility, as defined by Section 17.04.0765.
D. Household pets the number and types in accordance with Title 6, "Animals."
E. Live-work units.
(Ord. 845-2023, § 1 (part), 2023; Ord. 825-2017 § 3, 2017; Ord. 823- 2016 § 7 (part), 2016)
The following accessory uses shall be allowed in any R-1, R-1A, and R1-B district subsequent to an application being made to the City with a fee on its prescribed form for review and approval in order to evaluate any impacts related to the use due to noise, parking, concentration or other issues that may need to be mitigated:
A. Home occupations pursuant to Chapter 17.84.
B. At-home commercial services pursuant to Chapter 17.85.
C. Other structures and uses customarily appurtenant to permitted uses.
D. Large family child care home requiring an administrative use permit.
E. Cottage food operation pursuant to Chapter 17.85.
F. Second dwelling units/accessory dwelling units pursuant to Chapter 17.82.
(Ord. 845-2023, § 1 (part), 2023; Ord. 825-2017 § 4, 2017; Ord. 823-2016 § 7 (part), 2016)