The purpose of the R-1 Single Family Residential District is to accommodate residential uses composed of a single, detached residence per lot with the exception of a second residential unit or accessory dwelling unit characterized by a density range varying with the utilization and combination of the single-family subzones per gross acre with lots fronting a public street. The following single family subzones are hereby established:
A. R-1A: The purpose of the R-1A subzone is to accommodate and preserve the single family residential uses composed of a single detached residence per lot with the exception of a second residential unit if it can meet the lot coverage requirements.
B. R-1B: The purpose of the R-1B subzone is to accommodate and preserve the single family residential uses composed of a single detached residence per lot with the exception of a second residential unit if it can meet the lot coverage requirements.
C. R-1C: The purpose of the R-1C subzone is to accommodate and preserve the single family residential uses composed of a single detached residence per lot with the exception of a second residential unit if it can meet the lot coverage requirements.
(Ord. 845-2023, § 1 (part), 2023; Ord. 825-2017 § 2, 2017; Ord. 823-2016 § 7 (part), 2016)