General Provisions
Code adoption
Gov. Code §§ 50022.1--50022.10
Penalties for ordinance violations Gov. Code §§ 36900 and 36901
City prisoners Gov. Code § 36903
Appeal procedure
Civil Pro. Code § 1094.6
Citations for misdemeanors Penal Code § 853.5 et seq.
City charters
Gov. Code § 34450 et sea.
Gov. Code § 34050
Gov. Code § 36931 et seq.
Administration and Personnel
City council
Gov. Code § 36513 et sea. and § 36801 et seq.
Conflict of Interest
Gov. Code § 87103, § 87200 et seq.
Officers generally
Gov. Code §§ 36501--36512.2 and 36516.1--36517
Official bonds
Gov. Code § 1450 et seq. and § 36518 et seq.
City manager form of government Gov. Code § 34851 et sea.
Elective mayor form of government Gov. Code § 34900 et seq.
Election of legislative body by districts Gov. Code § 34870 et seq.
Closed meetings
Gov. Code § 54950 et seq.
Education Code §§ 44231, 44245 and 44245
General powers of legislative body Gov. Code § 37100 et seq.
Local planning agencies Gov. Code § 65150
Emergency services
Gov. Code § 8550 et seq.
Health ordinances, boards and officers Health and Saf. Code § 500 et sea.
Peace officer standards and training Penal Code § 13520 et sea.
Personnel system
Gov. Code § 45000 et seq.
Revenue and Finance
Financial powers
Gov. Code § 37202 et sea.
Purchasing system
Gov. Code § 54201 et seq.
Transfer of tax function to county Gov. Code § 51500 et seq.
Sales and use tax
Gov. Code § 37101 and Rev. and Tax. Code § 7200 et seq.
Transient occupancy tax
Rev. and Tax. Code §§ 7280 and 7281
Real property transfer tax
Rev. and Tax. Code § 11901 et sea.
Special gas tax street improvement fund Str. and Hwys. Code § 2112 and § 2106 et sea.
Purchasing system Gov. Code § 54202
Unclaimed property
Civil Code § 2080 et seq.
Authority to license businesses
Gov. Code § 37101 and Bus. and Prof. Code §§ 16000 et seq.
Massage parlors
Gov. Code § 51030 et sea.
Taxicabs and other vehicles for hire
Vehicle Code §§ 16501, 21100, 21112 and §§ 16500 et seq.
Penal Code § § 326.5
Private patrol operators
Bus. and Prof. Code § § 7523
Community antenna TV systems
Gov. Code § 53066
Business Taxes, Licenses and Regulations
Massage and bodywork services
Bus. and Prof. Code Division 2 (commencing with § 500);
Civ. Proc. Code § 1094.6(b);
Health and Saf. Code §§ 11054, 11055, 11056, 11057, and 11058;
Penal Code §§ 266, 266h, 266i, 315, 316, 318, 647(b), 653.22, 290 and 11225-11235
Animal generally
Food and Agric. Code §§ 16301 et seq.
Gov. Code § 38792 and Food and Agric. Code §§ 30501 et seq.
Rabies control
Health and Saf. Code §§ 1900 et seq.
Cruelty to animals
Penal Code §§ 597 et seq.
Health and Safety
Garbage and refuse collection
Health and Saf. Code § 4250
Fire prevention
Health and Saf. Code §§ 13000 et seq.
Tobacco regulations
Penal Code § 308(a) and (b)
Weed control
Health and Saf. Code §§ 14875 et seq. and Government Code §§ 39577 et seq.
Authority to declare and abate nuisances
Gov. Code §§ 38771 et seq. and Government Code §§ 39577 et seq.
Penal Code §§ 374 et seq.
Medical marijuana
Health and Saf. Code §§ 11362.5, 11362.77(a)-(b) and (d)-(f)
Public Peace, Morals and Welfare
Crimes against public justice
Penal Code §§ 92 et seq.
Crimes against the person
Penal Code §§ 187 et seq.
Crimes against the person and against public decency and good morals
Penal Code §§ 261 et seq.
Crimes against public health and safety
Penal Code §§ 368 et seq.
Crimes against the public peace
Penal Code §§ 403 et seq.
Crimes against property
Penal Code §§ 447 et seq.
Unlawful drug activities,
Health and Saf. Code §§ 11350-11400
Penal Code § 186.22(f)
Penal Code §§ 12000 et seq.
Vehicles and Traffic
Local traffic rules and regulations
Vehicle Code § 21100
Traffic-control devices
Vehicle Code §§ 21351 et seq. and §§ 21450 et seq.
Turning movements
Vehicle Code §§ 22101 and 22113
Speed limits
Vehicle Code §§ 22348 et seq., 22357 and 22352(b)and 21359
One-way street designations
Vehicle Code § 21657   
Stopping, standing and parking
Vehicle Code §§ 22500 et seq.
Through highways
Vehicle Code §§ 21101 and 21354
Curb markings
Vehicle Code § 21458
Vehicle weight limits
Vehicle Code §§ 35700 et seq.
Pedestrians rights and duties
Vehicle Code §§ 21950 et seq.
Establishment of crosswalk
Vehicle Code § 21106
Vehicle Code §§ 21100, 21206 and § 39000 et seq.
Streets, Sidewalks and Public Places
Construction of sidewalks and curbs
Str. and Hwys. Code §§ 5870 et seq.
Obstructions and encroachments on public ways
Gov. Code § 38775
Tree plants
Str. and Hwys. Code §§ 22000 et seq.
Injuring city improvements or trees
Penal Code § 622
Municipal parks
Pub. R. Code §§ 5181 et seq.
Advertising displays
Bus. and Prof. Code §§ 5230, 5231 and 5440 et seq.
Underground utility districts
Str. and Hwys. Code §§ 5896.1 et seq. and Gov. Code § 38773
Public Services
Municipal water systems
Gov. Code § 38730
City sewers
Gov. Code § 38600 and §§ 38900 et seq. and Health and Saf. Code §§ 5470 et seq.
Water well
Water Code §§ 13800 et seq.
Building and Construction
Authority to regulate buildings and construction
Gov. Code §§ 38801 and 38660
Housing construction
Health and Saf. Code §§ 17910 et seq.
Gov. Code §§ 38774 and 65850 and Bus. and Prof. Code §§ 5229 et seq.
Mobile homes
Health and Saf. Code §§ 18200 et seq.
Authority to adopt regulations to promote public health, safety and general welfare
Gov. Code §§ 65302, 65560, 65800
Local control of subdivisions
Gov. Code §§ 66510 et seq.
Planning in general
Gov. Code §§ 65000 et seq.
Local authority to regulate the use of land and buildings
Gov. Code § 65850
Gov. Code §§ 65900 et seq.
Open-space zoning
Gov. Code §§ 65910 et seq.
Residential density bonus
Gov. Code §§ 65915 through 65918
Moderate, low, and very low income housing units
Health and Saf. Code §§ 50079.5, 50093, 50105
Senior citizen housing development
Civil Code §§ 51.3, 51.12
Child care facility; density bonus
Gov. Code § 65917.5
Conversion of apartments to condominiums; density bonus
Gov. Code 65915.5
Environmental Protection
Environmental Quality Act
Public Res. Code §§ 21000 et seq.
Noise Control Act
Health and Saf. Code §§ 46000 et seq.