The city shall provide for the pick-up, transportation, and disposal of garbage, solid wastes and recycling materials arising from the use of each residence and placed for collection as provided herein. Each residence shall be charged a fee for the normal collection of garbage, and recycling materials of $20 per month.
(1985 Code, § 6-2-2) (Ord. 2-1971, passed - -1971; Ord. 2008-7, passed 10-8-2008; Ord. 2018-2, passed 2-14-2018)
All residences requiring garbage pick-up shall be supplied with one city 64-gallon or 96-gallon container. All producers of garbage shall be required to place garbage in durable plastic bags prior to weekly collections. Garbage containers will be supplied one time to each residence requiring garbage pick-up by the Greendale Sanitation Department in 2018. Residences created after the initial delivery of containers in 2018 will receive a container free of charge after becoming a sanitation customer, but only if the same location did not already receive a container. Any lost, damaged, worn out, or extra containers shall be purchased from the city at an amount equal to the city’s cost of replacing the container which shall include administrative and delivery fees. A second garbage container may be purchased and will be serviced at no additional fee. The initial containers have a ten year warranty for manufacturing defects and any containers covered by that warranty will be replaced free of charge. The initial containers will be the property of the City of Greendale. Any additional containers purchased by the sanitation customer will become the property of the sanitation customer. Containers shall not be defaced. THE CITY WILL NOT PICK UP TRASH UNLESS GARBAGE IS IN A CITY APPROVED CONTAINER.
(1985 Code, § 6-2-3) (Ord. 2-1971, passed - -1971; Ord. 2008-7, passed 10-8-2008; Ord. 2018-2, passed 2-14-2018)
Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) (1) Schedule for collection of garbage and trash is as follows:
North end of city - Wednesdays (Cemetery North)
South end of city - Tuesdays (Cemetery South)
Oberting Road, Valley Woods, State Route 1, Green Road
(2) The collection schedule may be amended from time to time by the Board of Public Works and Safety by majority vote and posting notice to the public 30 days in advance of said amendments.
(B) All garbage shall be placed inside of the trash container in lined durable bags. No material placed outside or on top of the container will be picked up.
(C) All garbage shall be set out or placed at one location at the curb line or edge of road no later than 6:00 a.m. on the day of collection. Such refuse shall not be set out for collection in advance of the regularly scheduled collection day, except after 6:00 p.m. the day before scheduled collection. Trash containers shall not be left at curbside except on regularly scheduled collection day or the evening before.
(D) Holiday Collection: If a holiday falls on a Tuesday or Wednesday collection day, the Monday prior to the holiday will be designated as collection day. City notification will be circulated prior to the holiday.
(E) Items that will not be acceptable for collection:
(1) No furniture, appliances, or items that will not fit in the container provided shall be collected by the city in its collection of garbage. These items shall be tagged for special pick up or special pick up requested by owner.
(2) No refuse that has been deposited in the street or gutter shall be collected by the city.
(3) No construction or demolition debris shall be collected by the city.
(4) Electronic devices, including but not limited to computers, computer monitors, printers, televisions, shall be collected by the city only after a special pick up has been arranged.
(Ord. 2018-2, passed 2-14-2018; Ord. 2021-8, passed 7-14-2021)
(A) The city will provide one 64-gallon or 96-gallon recycling container at no cost to each residence that desires to recycle and are sanitation customers of the city. Recycling containers will be supplied one time to each residence in 2018. Any lost, damaged, worn out, or extra containers shall be purchased from the city at an amount equal to the city’s cost of replacing the container which shall include administrative and delivery fees. A second recycling container may be purchased and will be serviced at no additional fee. The initial containers have a ten year warranty for manufacturing defects and any containers covered by that warranty will be replaced free of charge. The initial containers will be the property of the City of Greendale. Any additional containers purchased by the sanitation customer will become the property of the sanitation customer. All approved recycling material shall be placed loose in said recycling container for weekly pick up. THE CITY WILL NOT PICK UP RECYCLING UNLESS RECYCLING IS IN CITY APPROVED CONTAINER. Containers shall not be defaced.
(B) Collection will occur in all of Greendale on Thursdays. The collection schedule may be amended from time to time by the Board of Public Works and Safety by majority vote and posting notice to the public 30 days in advance of said amendments.
(C) Recycling will not be picked up on Holidays. Dearborn County Solid Waste Trailer will be parked at the Greendale Park for additional recycling opportunities.
(Ord. 2018-2, passed 2-14-2018; Ord. 2021-8, passed 7-14-2021)
(A) All brush and yard waste shall be cut in lengths not to exceed ten feet nor smaller than two and one-half feet. All small brush or chips shall be placed in unlined containers, no larger than 40 gallons and weighing less than 50 pounds, at the curb. All tree removals or large trimming accumulations shall be placed at the front property line for removal. Additional fees might be applicable for larger and/or heavy loads pursuant to § 52.07(A)(4)a.5. However, where tree removals or large trimming accumulations result from the work of private contractors, such contractors shall be required to dispose of their own accumulations of brush and trash.
(B) Yard waste will be picked up for the north end of town (Cemetery North) on Tuesdays. For the south end (Cemetery South) will be picked up on Thursdays. The yard waste collection schedule may be amended from time to time by the Board of Public Works and Safety by majority vote and posting notice to the public 30 days in advance of said amendments.
(C) All leaves shall be placed for collection starting October 1 to December 15, at the curb or edge of road for weekly collection in open piles free of vines and limbs.
(Ord. 2-1971, passed - -1971; Ord. 2008-7, passed 10-8-2008; Ord. 2018-2, passed 2-14-2018; Ord. 2021-8, passed 7-14-2021) Penalty, see § 10.99