Contracts and Purchasing
   35.01   Continuation of existing contracts
   35.02   Execution and review of contracts
   35.03   Purchase of recycled materials
   35.04   Participation in ODOT Cooperative Purchasing Program
   35.05   Participation in Ohio’s Cooperative Purchasing Program
   35.06   Capital improvement projects and acquisitions; bidding procedures; alteration of contracts
   35.07   Single aggregate bids
   35.08   Contracts for professional service
Identity Theft Policy
   35.20   Background
   35.21   Purpose
   35.22   Scope
   35.23   Policy
   35.24   Additional identity theft prevention program
   35.25   Responding to red flags
   35.26   Periodic updates to plan
   35.27   Program administration
Credit Card Policy
   35.40   Purpose
   35.41   General guidelines
   35.42   Finance Director responsibilities
   35.43   Rules and procedures for use
   35.44   Documentation requirements
   35.45   Preventing fraud
   35.46   Unauthorized purchases
   35.47   Inappropriate use of cards
Statutory reference:
   Contracts for utility services without advertising for bids, see R.C. § 9.30
   Contracts for work in public buildings and improvements, see R.C. §§ 153.50 et seq.
   Public contracts generally, see R.C. §§ 735.05 et seq.
   Service contracts with county, see R.C. §§ 307.14 et seq.