(A) The City Manager shall prepare the following items:
(1) An agenda for the forthcoming meeting;
(2) A report from the City Manager on administrative activities of the preceding month;
(3) A compiled list of all claimants who have filed verified accounts claiming payment for goods or services rendered the city during the preceding month, the list to be called the “Claim Report” and bearing headings “Claimant”, “Purpose” and “Amount”;
(4) A copy of all minutes to be considered; and
(5) Copies of other proposals, communications or other documents as the City Manager deems necessary or proper for advance consideration by the Council.
(B) The City Manager shall forthwith cause to be mailed or delivered to each member of the Council copies of all the documents. The Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure, 4th Edition and the attached details shall govern all Council meetings as to procedural matters not set forth in the Charter or city code.
The order of business at regular meetings shall be as follows:
(1) Call to order;
(2) Agenda additions;
(3) Consent agenda, to include:
(a) Minutes from previous Council meetings;
(b) Approval of bills;
(c) Department reports;
(d) Correspondence;
(e) Meetings and events;
(f) Such other items as desired;
(4) Boards, commission, committee reports and updates by City Manager;
(5) City Council action.
(a) Motions (if any);
(b) Resolutions (if any);
(c) Ordinances (if any);
(6) Information and discussion;
(7) Next agenda; and
(8) Adjournment.
(D) Matters inappropriate for consideration at a meeting, or not in the order specified, shall not be considered except: with the unanimous consent of the members of the Council; or scheduled public hearings or bid lettings at the time stated in the notice.
(E) All claims for payment must be filed at or before 12:00 noon on the Friday preceding the regular Council meeting at which it is to be considered.
(2003 Code, § 2.02) (Ord. 189, passed 8-6-2018)
(A) Notwithstanding any provisions of the City Charter to the contrary, pursuant to M.S. §§ 412.02 and 412.022, as they may be amended from time to time, the terms of office of all elected officers of the city, to include all Councilmembers and the Mayor, shall be four years.
(B) Members shall be elected in even-numbered years only, with the Mayor and one-half of the Councilmembers elected at one election and the remaining one-half of the Councilmembers elected at the next year’s election. Prior to the next general election following the effective date of this section, Councilmembers and/or the Mayor shall be elected for a transitional term to be established by resolution of the Council.
(2003 Code, § 2.025) (Ord. 46, passed 12-23-1994)
(A) Special meetings of the Council may be called by the Mayor or by any two other members of the Council by a writing filed with the City Manager stating the time, place and purpose of the meeting.
(B) Notice of a special meeting shall be given by the City Manager to each member of the Council by mailing a copy of the filing to all members who did not sign or issue the call at least three days prior to the time stated therein, or by personal service at least 72 hours prior to the projected time of meeting. Special meetings may be held without prior written notice to the Council when all Council members are present at the meeting or consent thereto in writing. Any such consent shall be filed with the City Manager prior to the beginning of the meeting.
(C) Any special meeting attended by all Council members shall be a valid meeting for the transaction of any business that may come before the meeting. Meetings of the Council which are adjourned from time to time shall not be subject to the foregoing notice requirements; nor shall special meetings which, in the judgment of the Council, require immediate consideration to meet an emergency require the notice, but may be called by telephone communication or any other expeditious means. Notice to the public and to news media shall be given as required by statute.
(2003 Code, § 2.026) (Ord. 61, passed 5-31-1996)
(A) If any person shall be aggrieved by any administrative decision of the City Manager or any other city official, for which administrative decision there is not otherwise spelled out under city code or by city contract or other applicable law or provision, a grievance or appellate procedure, or if any person shall be aggrieved, by any administrative decision of any board or commission not having within its structure an appellate procedure, the aggrieved person is entitled to a full hearing before the Council upon serving the Mayor and City Manager a written request therefore within 30 days after the date of the administrative decision.
(B) The hearing shall be scheduled by the City Manager at the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting, provided that the Council meeting is scheduled to occur at least five days after the date the appeal is filed. In the event that the appeal or request for hearing is filed less than five days before the next regularly scheduled Council meeting, the hearing shall then occur at the following regularly scheduled Council meeting, unless otherwise mutually agreed by the aggrieved party and the applicable city representative(s).
(C) The request shall contain a general statement setting forth the administrative decision to be challenged by the appellant. At the hearing, the appellant may present any evidence that appellant deems pertinent to the appeal, but the city shall not be required to keep a verbatim record of the proceedings. The Mayor, or other officer presiding at the meeting, may, in the interest of justice or to comply with the aforesaid time requirements and on his or her own motion or the motion of the appellant, the City Manager, or a member of the Council adjourn the hearing to a more convenient time or place and the time or place shall be fixed and determined before adjournment so as to avoid the necessity or formal notice of reconvening.
(2003 Code, § 2.03) (Ord. 122, passed 1-5-2004)