The minimum charge for sewage contributions shall be the sum of applicable service charge, volume charge and/or extra strength surcharge. For customers billed on the industrial four part charge, the minimum charge shall be the sum of the volume, BOD, SS, oil and grease, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, and customer charge.
The minimum charge for sewage contributions to consumers and users who are not required to meter their water supply shall be in accordance with the City of Grand Island Fee Schedule.
Bills for sewer rental charges made by this Article shall be rendered as for water service of the City and all rental charges levied by this Article which are not paid at or before water service charges of the City are required to be paid shall be deemed to be delinquent and the water service of such consumer may be discontinued.
All rental charges prescribed by this article shall be a lien upon the premises and real estate for which the sewer service is supplied and used and if not paid when due such charge shall be certified to the city treasurer and may be recovered by the City in an action at law and such delinquent charges may be certified to the county clerk and assessed against the real estate and premises served and be collected and returned in the same manner as other city taxes are certified, collected, and returned.
The mayor and council hereby find and determine that the rental charges established by this article are just and equitable rates and charges to be paid to the City for the use of its disposal plant and sewerage system by each person whose premises are served thereby. All moneys collected for such rental charges shall be paid into the sewer and sewer collection funds and shall be used only for the purpose of maintenance and operation of the existing sewer system and disposal plant, and to create a reserve fund for the purpose of future maintenance, pursuant to Article 5, Chapter 18, Reissue Revised Statutes of Nebraska 1943.
Under Ordinance No. 4131, the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, has agreed to account for its revenues and expenditures in a specified manner. It is considered that the requirements for user charge accounting systems can be met by following the accounting procedures outlined in Ordinance No. 4131 and supplemental ordinance which have been issued subsequently for additional bonds.
Where, in the judgment of the council, special conditions surround the use of city water to the extent that the application of the service charges, rates, or rentals as specified by this Article would be inequitable and unfair to either the City or such consumers, the council shall establish a special rate applying to such consumers. Such special rates when adopted by ordinance by the city council shall apply to all consumers under like circumstances.