The sewer rental charge shall be applied separately to each individual water meter which measures water contributing to or discharging into the city sewerage system and shall be determined by the water meter reading for water furnished by the water works system of the city or by privately-owned water supply which may contribute to or discharge into the sewerage system. In the case of unmetered water supply, the quantity of water used and discharged into the sewerage system of the City shall be determined to the satisfaction of the council and at the expense of the owner of the unmetered water supply. If the quantity of unmetered water discharged into the sewerage system is estimated by the council to be in excess of one thousand cubic feet per month for any one month, the council may require that such water supply be metered at the expense of the owner or consumer.
Should any meter get out of order or repair and fail to register properly, such consumer will be charged at the average monthly consumption as shown by the meter when in order for six months previous, or fraction thereof, if the same has not been used that long.
Extra Strength Surcharge. An industrial waste surcharge shall be assessed against any person discharging industrial wastes into the City's sanitary sewer system where the contributed wastewater strength exceeds normal strength wastewater and shall be billed in accordance with the City of Grand Island Fee Schedule.
Customer Charge. The specific costs incurred by the City associated with monitoring and determining flow and strength.
Industrial Four Part Charge. The industrial service four-part charges will be applied to those industrial users who certify that their sewage contributions are less than normal strength wastewater, and such customers shall be billed in accordance with the City of Grand Island Fee Schedule.
Customer Charge. The specific costs incurred by the City associated with monitoring and determining flow and strength and/or checking the users certification.
The minimum charge for sewage contributions shall be the sum of applicable service charge, volume charge and/or extra strength surcharge. For customers billed on the industrial four part charge, the minimum charge shall be the sum of the volume, BOD, SS, oil and grease, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, and customer charge.
The minimum charge for sewage contributions to consumers and users who are not required to meter their water supply shall be in accordance with the City of Grand Island Fee Schedule.
Bills for sewer rental charges made by this Article shall be rendered as for water service of the City and all rental charges levied by this Article which are not paid at or before water service charges of the City are required to be paid shall be deemed to be delinquent and the water service of such consumer may be discontinued.
All rental charges prescribed by this article shall be a lien upon the premises and real estate for which the sewer service is supplied and used and if not paid when due such charge shall be certified to the city treasurer and may be recovered by the City in an action at law and such delinquent charges may be certified to the county clerk and assessed against the real estate and premises served and be collected and returned in the same manner as other city taxes are certified, collected, and returned.