The director may, with the approval of the council, enter into a contract with persons discharging industrial wastes who desire to reserve a portion of the design capacity of the sanitary sewer system or water pollution control plant. The contract shall contain a provision stating that an annual amount, representing the person's proportionate share of the City's net annual capital investment cost in the facilities reserved, shall be paid by the person signing the contract. The contract shall also contain a provision that if the person's average daily flow varies more than 20 percent on a yearly basis, either party may open the contract for renegotiation of the minimum payment.
30-77 Purpose Of Article
30-78 Consumer; Defined
30-79 Consumer; Classification
30-80 Rental Charge; Computation
30-81 Rental; Residential And Commercial
30-82 Rental Charge; Use Of Water Meters
30-83 Volume Charges
30-84 Service Charges
30-85 Industrial Waste Surcharge
30-86 Minimum Charges
30-87 (Reserved)
30-88 Collection
30-89 Delinquent Charges
30-90 Charges To Be A Lien
30-91 Disposition Of Funds
30-92 Accounting System
30-93 Special Rates
30-94 Water Discharged Into Storm Sewers
30-95 Charges For Septic Tank Sludge
30-96 User Charge System Review
30-97 (Reserved)
30-98 Toxic Pollutants
The mayor and council of the city hereby find and determine: This City has constructed and owns and operates a sewerage system and plant for the treatment, purification, and disposal in a sanitary manner of the liquid and solid wastes, sewage, and night soil of such community and it is necessary, in order to protect the health of the inhabitants of the city and to comply with the law of the state and the requirements of the department of health of the state that the sewerage system be operated and maintained; that in order to provide the revenues to operate and maintain the sewer system and disposal plant and to create a reserve fund for the purpose of future maintenance, it is necessary that the City establish just and equitable rates and charges to be paid to the City for the use of such disposal plant and sewerage system by each person whose premises are served thereby.
The word "consumer" as used in this article shall include all users of the municipal sewerage system of the City, including all persons whose premises are served thereby and all owners and tenants of real estate and buildings connected with such sewerage system or served thereby and all users of such system who in any way use the same or discharge sanitary sewage, industrial waste, water or other liquid either directly or indirectly into the sewerage system of the City.
For the use of the city sewer system, each consumer shall pay a rental charge which shall be computed and based on his contribution of sewage to such system; provided, that a minimum charge for sewer rental as set forth in §30-84 and §30-85 shall be made for each dwelling unit which is directly or indirectly connected to the City sanitary sewer system, unless for a complete billing period the City water supply to such unit has been disconnected by the City, or the private water supply disconnected to the satisfaction of the City. For the purposes of this Article, a dwelling unit shall mean one or more rooms and a single kitchen designed as a unit for occupancy by one family for living and sleeping purposes, and shall include a manufactured home. If more than one dwelling unit is served from a single water meter or single private water source as in the case of apartments and mobile home courts, a percentage of the minimum rate shall be charged against each unit, depending on the number of dwelling units per water meter or private water source as follows:
2 to 5 dwelling units | 65% |
6 to 10 dwelling units | 60% |
11 to 20 dwelling units | 55% |
21 and over dwelling units | 50% |
The above charges shall be computed upon the yearly average of the number of dwelling units occupied.
The charges to be paid by residential consumers for use of the sewerage system and disposal plant shall be based upon water consumption. The monthly residential sewer charges for the twelve months following April 1st of each year will be based on the average water consumption for that property during the months of January, February and March. Commercial customers shall pay according to the meter reading which precedes billing.
(Amended by Ordinance No. 9524, effective 03/17/2015)