A.   Use Restricted: No person shall take water from any fire plug or hydrant or any other unmetered outlet connected to the village water mains unless such person shall first have made application for the use of such water and received permission from the water superintendent, or unless such person is an employee of the water commission in the discharge of his duties as such. When such permission is granted, the fire hydrant or plug shall be opened and closed only with the special fire hydrant wrench provided for such purpose.
   B.   Prohibited Acts: No person shall wilfully or carelessly break or injure any fire or public hydrant or pollute or unnecessarily waste the water of such hydrant, or obstruct the use of any fire hydrant, or place any material in front of or within ten feet (10') of any side thereof. (Ord., 9-10-1956)
   C.   Inspections: The village of Glenview, as fire protection service provider, is duly authorized to inspect all public fire hydrants within the municipal boundaries of the village of Golf. (Ord., 6-8-1992)