A.   Purposes. This Article regulates and limits the continued existence of uses, structures, lots, and signs established prior to the effective date of this Code that do not conform to the applicable regulations of this Code. Any legal nonconforming use, structure, lot, or sign existing at the time of the passage of this Code may be maintained, repaired, restored, remodeled, or altered, subject to the regulations in this Article.
   B.   General Scope and Scheme of Regulation. Separate restrictions are established for nonconforming uses of land and nonconforming uses of structures, nonconforming structures, nonconforming lots of record, and nonconforming signs. The degree of restriction made applicable to each category of noncon-formity is generally related to the degree of incompatibility with permitted uses and the amount of investment typically associated with non-conformities of that type.
   C.   Exception for Repairs Pursuant to Public Order. Nothing in this Article shall be deemed to prevent the strengthening or restoration to a safe condition of a structure in accordance with an order of a public official who is charged with protecting the public safety and who declares such structure to be unsafe and orders its restoration to a safe condition, provided such restoration is not otherwise in violation of the various provisions of this Article prohibiting the repair or restoration of partially damaged or destroyed structures or signs.
   D.   Nonconforming Accessory Uses and Structures. No use or structure that is accessory to a principal nonconforming use or structure shall continue after such principal use or structure shall have been terminated, unless it shall thereafter conform to all the regulations of the zoning district in which it is located.
   E.   Railroad or Railway Purposes. Any right-of-way, station grounds, or other premises located in any district and now used for railroad or railway purposes shall be considered a nonconforming use until such time as such premises shall cease to be used for railroad or railway purposes, after which the use of such premises shall, except as provided in Subsection 6-102G, conform with the provisions of this Code.