1454.01 Adoption of numbering plan and system.
1454.02 Numbers required; location.
1454.03 Arabic numerals required; height; color.
1454.04 Script numbers.
1454.05 Numbers at driveway entrances and on mailboxes.
1454.06 Determination of location by Police and Fire Chiefs.
1454.07 Application to new construction.
1454.08 Numbering by City; costs.
1454.99 Penalty.
Numbering of buildings - see Ohio R.C. 715.26(C)
Every residential, commercial and/or industrial unit shall display a street address number, assigned by the City Manager's office, posted near the entrance door or in a prominent location facing the street in such a position that the number is easily visible to approaching emergency or public safety vehicles.
(Ord. 2099. Passed 5-29-85.)
In addition to the street address numbers near the front entrance door, every building unit located more than seventy-five feet from a street shall also display a set of clearly visible street address numbers near the driveway entrance to the building unit. Mailboxes shall be clearly numbered on both sides per Section 1454.03.
(Ord. 2099. Passed 5-29-85.)
In the event of special circumstances due to the location of a building unit, entrance or driveway, the Police Chief or the Fire Chief shall determine where the street address numbers shall be displayed to facilitate ready location of the building unit.
(Ord. 2099. Passed 5-29-85.)