1454.01 Adoption of numbering plan and system.
1454.02 Numbers required; location.
1454.03 Arabic numerals required; height; color.
1454.04 Script numbers.
1454.05 Numbers at driveway entrances and on mailboxes.
1454.06 Determination of location by Police and Fire Chiefs.
1454.07 Application to new construction.
1454.08 Numbering by City; costs.
1454.99 Penalty.
Numbering of buildings - see Ohio R.C. 715.26(C)
Every residential, commercial and/or industrial unit shall display a street address number, assigned by the City Manager's office, posted near the entrance door or in a prominent location facing the street in such a position that the number is easily visible to approaching emergency or public safety vehicles.
(Ord. 2099. Passed 5-29-85.)
In addition to the street address numbers near the front entrance door, every building unit located more than seventy-five feet from a street shall also display a set of clearly visible street address numbers near the driveway entrance to the building unit. Mailboxes shall be clearly numbered on both sides per Section 1454.03.
(Ord. 2099. Passed 5-29-85.)