Flood Damage Prevention
1450.01   Statutory authorization.
1450.02   Findings of fact.
1450.03   Purposes.
1450.04   Methods of reducing flood losses.
1450.05   Lands to which these regulations apply.
1450.06   Basis for establishing the areas of special flood hazard.
1450.07   Definitions.
1450.08   Application of chapter.
1450.09   Compliance required.
1450.10   Conflicts.
1450.11   Interpretation.
1450.12   Severability.
1450.13   Warning and disclaimer of liability.
1450.14   Development permit required; exceptions.
1450.15   Designation of local administrator.
1450.16   Duties and responsibilities of local administrator.
1450.17   Variances.
1450.18   Standards in areas of special flood hazard.
1450.19   Standards in areas of special flood hazard where base flood elevation data provided.
1450.20   Floodways.
1450.21   Appellate procedure (Repealed).
1450.22   Powers and duties of Board of Zoning Appeals (Repealed).
1450.99   Penalty.
   Flood control as function of Ohio Commission on Interstate Cooperation - see Ohio R.C. 105.36
   Flood control by soil conservation district supervisors - see Ohio R.C. 1515.08
   Flood insurance - see Ohio R.C. 3925.34(C), 3941.02(A)(1)
   Water supply, sanitation, ditches - see Ohio R.C. 6101.01 et seq.
   Altering, polluting and diverting watercourses - see GEN. OFF. 660.04
   Article XVIII, Section 3, of the Ohio Constitution grants municipalities the legal authority to adopt land use and control measures for promoting the health, safety, and general welfare of its citizens. Therefore, the City Council of the City of Geneva, State of Ohio, does ordain this chapter.
(Ord. 2957.  Passed 12-10-07.)
   The City of Geneva has special flood hazard areas that are subject to periodic inundation which may result in loss of life and property, health and safety hazards, disruption of commerce and governmental services, extraordinary public expenditures for flood protection and relief, and impairment of the tax base. Additionally, structures that are inadequately elevated, flood proofed, or otherwise protected from flood damage also contribute to the flood loss. In order to minimize the threat of such damages and to achieve the purposes hereinafter set forth, these regulations are adopted.
(Ord. 2957.  Passed 12-10-07.)