Planning and Zoning Commission
31.01 Establishment
31.02 Membership
31.03 Officers; meeting
31.04 Rules for meeting
31.05 Powers and duties
Heritage Preservation Commission
31.15 Purpose
31.16 Definitions
31.17 Heritage Preservation Commission
31.18 Powers and duties
31.19 Annual report
31.20 Designation of heritage preservation sites
31.21 Certificate of appropriateness
31.22 Regulation of demolition and moving
31.23 Relationship to the zoning code
31.24 Appeals to the City Council
31.25 Emergency repair
31.26 Demolition by neglect
31.27 Enforcement
31.28 Secretary of Interior Standards
(A) The Planning and Zoning Commission shall consist of five appointed members, who shall have legal residence in the city or shall be a freeholder in the city, one-third of whom shall be appointed annually. Members shall be appointed annually for three-year terms. The City Council shall appoint the members to the Planning and Zoning Commission each year at its annual meeting and shall also have the power to fill all vacancies on the Board for the duration of the unexpired term.
(B) The City Council, each year at its annual meeting, shall have the option of appointing two other members to the Planning and Zoning Commission. The two members may have legal residence in the Orderly Annexation Area or may be a freeholder in the Orderly Annexation Area of the city or may be a member of the City Council. The terms for the members shall be two years. Of the first members so appointed, one shall be appointed for one year and one shall be appointed for two years.
(Ord. 135, passed 10-3-1966; Ord. 186, passed 1-11-1982; Am. Ord. 298, passed 9-5-2012)
The Commission shall elect a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson and a Secretary at its annual meeting each year. The Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson must be members of the Commission, the Secretary must be a member of the Commission or be the Clerk Administrator of the city. The Commission shall have an annual meeting which shall be the second Thursday in January of each year. At the annual meeting, the Commission shall establish a regular meeting date for the year, but shall meet at least once a month. A special meeting of the Commission can be called by the Chairperson or any two of its members. On or before January l of each year, the Commission shall submit to the City Council a report of its work during the preceding year. Expenditures of the Commission shall be in amounts appropriated for that purpose by the City Council. Salaries of the Commissioners shall be as established by the City Council at its annual meeting each year.
(Ord. 135, passed 10-3-1966; Ord. 186, passed 1-11-1982)
(A) The Planning and Zoning Commission shall have the powers and duties given planning agencies generally by law.
(B) The Commission shall also exercise the duties conferred upon it by this subchapter and by the City Council through other chapters such as the zoning chapters.
(C) (1) The Commission shall periodically, but at least once every five years, review the Comprehensive Plan for the city, any chapters and any capital improvement program the Council has adopted to implement the plan.
(2) After the review, it shall, to the extent it deems necessary, revise the Comprehensive Plan, adopt the amendments for the new Comprehensive Plan and recommend it to the Council in accordance with law.
(3) Similarly, after the review, it shall recommend to the Council any amendments it deems desirable to the capital improvement program and any ordinance implementing the plan.
(Ord. 186, passed 1-11-1982)