(A)   The Heritage Preservation Commission is hereby established, which shall consist of seven voting members to be appointed by the City Council. Any member appointed to serve on the Commission shall be a resident of the Gaylord community and shall have a demonstrated interest in historic preservation. The composition of the Commission shall include, if available, at least two preservation-related professionals, including the professions of history, architecture, architectural history, archaeology, planning, or landscape architecture. Whenever possible, at least one member should own or reside in a historic property or should own or reside in property in a heritage landmark district. In addition, one member must be a designated representative of the Sibley County Historical society, if available.
   (B)   The City Council shall initially appoint two members to serve a term of two years, two members to serve a term of three years, and three members to serve a term of four years. All subsequent appointments shall be for a term of four years. Members may be reappointed for consecutive terms. Vacancies shall be filled by City Council within 60 days of the vacancy occurring. The term of a Commission member may be terminated, and a new member appointed in the event the Commission member fails to attend any three consecutive Commission meetings or in the event of failure to attend any four meetings in any 12-month period.
   (C)   City Council shall set the per diem for the Commission.
   (D)   The Commission shall elect from its membership a chairperson, vice chairperson and secretary, who's terms of office shall be fixed by bylaws adopted by the Commission. The chairperson shall preside over meetings of the Commission and shall have the right to vote. The vice chairperson shall, in cases of absence or disability of the chairperson, perform the duties of the chairperson. The secretary shall keep a record of all resolutions, proceedings and actions of the Commission.
   (E)   Four members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
   (F)   Each member of the Commission shall be entitled to one vote. The affirmative vote of a majority of Commission members present at a meeting shall be required for the approval of plans or the adoption of any resolution, motion or other action of the Commission.
   (G)   The Commission shall make bylaws, not inconsistent with local or state law, as it deems advisable and necessary for the conduct of its affairs and for the purpose of carrying out the intent of this subchapter. Such rules shall provide for the time and place of regular meetings and for the calling of special meetings.
   (H)   The Commission shall hold regular meetings, but no less than four per year. In addition, the Commission shall meet at its earliest convenience, when called by the Chair, to review such building permits or applications as are referred to it by the City Building Official or City Administrator. All meetings of the Commission shall be open to the public.
   (I)   No member of the Commission shall participate in the hearing or disposition of any matter in which he or she has an economic interest.
   (J)   To accomplish the intent and purpose of this ordinance, the City of Gaylord shall provide the Commission with adequate staff support and supplies.
(Ord. 324, passed 10-3-2018)