§ 31.15 PURPOSE.
    The City Council finds and declares as a matter of public policy that the preservation, protection, and enhancement of buildings, structures and improvements of historical, cultural, architectural, engineering, political, or social significance located throughout the city are required in the interest of the prosperity, civic pride and general welfare of the citizens of the city. The City Council further finds that the aesthetic, cultural and economic standing of Gaylord would be threatened by disregarding the heritage of the city and by allowing the destruction or defacement of such buildings and structures. Accordingly, the purposes of this chapter are to:
   (A)   Safeguard the heritage of the City of Gaylord by preserving properties which reflect elements of the city's cultural, social, economic, political, visual, or architectural history;
   (B)   Provide for the designation, protection, preservation, and rehabilitation heritage landmarks and heritage landmark districts and to participate in federal or state programs to do the same;
   (C)   Protect and enhance the City of Gaylord's appeal and attraction to residents and visitors;
   (D)   Strengthen the local economy through the protection and promotion of Gaylord's unique historic character;
   (E)   Foster knowledge and civic pride in the beauty and noble accomplishments of the past;
   (F)   Promote the use of historic buildings and structures for the economic prosperity, education, inspiration and general welfare of the people of the city;
   (G)   Assist, encourage and provide incentives to owners for preservation, restoration, redevelopment and use of historic buildings, structures, objects and sites;
   (H)   Promote the reuse and recycling of existing building stock in Gaylord and thereby conserve increasingly scarce landfill space and valuable natural resources; and
   (I)   To encourage new buildings and development that will be harmonious with the existing historic buildings and neighborhoods but will not necessarily be of the same architectural style.
(Ord. 324, passed 11-4-2015; Am. Ord. 324, passed 10-3-2018)