Certification of Inspection
1317.01   Owner defined.
1317.02   Certification of inspection and of septic system
   evaluation required.
1317.03   Applications and issuance.
1317.04   Presentation of certificates to tenants, transferees, etc.;
   deposit of statement of receipt.
1317.05   Disbursal of funds without statement prohibited.
1317.99   Penalty.
   Inspections of buildings - see Ohio R.C. 715.26(B),
      737.34 et seq.
   Power of municipalities to provide for inspections - see
      Ohio R.C. 715.46
   Right of entry of Building Official - see B. & H. 1311.03
   Inspection of unsafe structures - see B. & H. 1367.08
   Right of entry re unsafe buildings - see B. & H. 1367.17
   Inspection of water supply - see B. & H. 1371.03
   Fire inspections - see F.P. 1511.04, 1511.09
   1317.01 OWNER DEFINED.
   As used in this chapter, "owner" means the owner or owners of a premises and the buildings, structures or other installations located thereon, including the holder of title thereto subject to contract of purchase, a vendee in possession, a mortgagee or receiver in possession, a tenant or lessee of the whole thereof or any agent or other person, firm, corporation or fiduciary in possession or control thereof. The person, firm or corporation who or which signs the application for a certificate of inspection or, if required, a Septic System Certificate, shall be deemed prima facie to be the owner.
(Ord. 2251. Passed 12-5-87.)
   No owner of any premises with a dwelling, building, structure or other installation located thereon within the Village shall enter into an agreement to rent, lease, sell, convey or transfer such premises without first obtaining from the Building Official a certificate of inspection of such premises, and without presenting a copy of such certificate of inspection to the prospective tenant, lessee, purchaser, grantee or transferee, and, if such premises are served by a septic system, without obtaining from the County Board of Health a certification of septic system evaluation (the "Septic System Certificate").
(Ord. 2014-03. Passed 4-8-14.)
   (a)   Applications for a certificate of inspection shall be made upon forms supplied by the Building Official.
      (1)   The Building Official shall cause a general inspection of the premises to be made, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 1367. Such inspection shall be made solely for and on behalf of the Village and there shall be no liability or responsibility to any present or future owner or occupant of such premises resulting therefrom.
      (2)   The certificate of inspection shall contain the following information:
         A.   The location and other identifying characteristics of the buildings, structures and other installations;
         B.   The name and address of the owner;
         C.   The authorized use and occupancy of the buildings, structures and other installations; and
         D.   A list of all violations ascertained at the time of such inspection, under and pursuant to Chapter 1367.
      (3)   The certificate of inspection shall be valid for a period of ninety days from the date of such inspection.
   (b)   An application for a Septic System Certificate shall be made upon forms supplied by the County Board of Health and shall be issued by such Board, contain such information and be valid for such period as determined in the regulations of the Board pertaining to Septic System Certificates. (Ord. 2014-03. Passed 4-8-14.)