No person shall install or add any kitchen or cooking facilities on the attic floor of any single or double house, nor shall any kitchen or cooking facilities be installed on any cellar or basement floor of a single or double house for the purpose of establishing a separate dwelling unit.
   (a)   All existing installed kitchen or cooking facilities on the attic, cellar or basement floor of any building for which the electric work or gas fitting work was not done prior to April 23, 1935, nor pursuant to Section 1311.02 are illegal and shall be removed.
   (b)   The owner of existing installed kitchen or cooking facilities on a legally converted attic and/or cellar floor shall apply to Council for a nonconforming use subject to compliance with the Building and Fire Prevention Codes. The necessary compliance requirements shall be recorded in the minutes of the hearing and the nonconforming use shall only be granted subject to compliance with such requirements.
      (Ord. 17-1973. Passed 3-26-73.)