All outdoor lighting shall be of constant intensity, and shall be downward directed, reflected or shielded so as not to be of excessive brightness or cause glare hazardous to pedestrians or drivers, create a nuisance or unreasonably interfere with a neighboring property owner’s right to enjoy his property.
   (a)   To this end and to minimize light trespass:
      (1)   All sources of illumination of the exterior of buildings or grounds shall be shielded so as not to cause direct glare and shall be directed away from any lot lines and toward the principal building and parking area on a lot. Lighting fixtures and devices from which direct glare is visible on adjoining roads or property shall be prohibited.
      (2)   All sources of illumination of the exterior of buildings or grounds shall be shielded so as not to cause glare which is hazardous to vehicle drivers or is objectionable to owners of adjacent lots.
      (3)   Lighting fixtures with lamps rated at initial lumens of two thousand five hundred (2,500) or greater must be the full cutoff type. For purposes of this regulation, a full cutoff light fixture is defined as one which emits no light above a horizontal plane drawn through the lowest part of the fixture.
      (4)   Light fixtures used to illuminate flags, statues, or any other objects mounted on a pole, pedestal, or platform, shall use a narrow cone beam of light. Only one fixture with a lamp emitting no more than one thousand eight hundred (1,800) lumens shall be used for each flag, statue, or other object illuminated.
      (5)   Flashing lights shall be prohibited.
      (6)   When used for security purposes or to illuminate walkways, driveways and storage areas, roadways, equipment yards and parking lots, only fully shielded cut-off style light fixtures shall be utilized.
      (7)   All outdoor light pole fixtures shall not exceed a maximum height of twenty (20) feet.
   (b)   Exemptions to 1145.04(a).
      (1)   All outdoor lighting fixtures producing light directly by the combustion of fossil fuels, such as kerosene lantern or gas lamps, are exempt from the requirements of Section 1145.04(a)(6).
      (2)   All low-voltage lighting rated twelve (12) volts or less and seasonal lighting shall be exempt from the requirements of Section 1145.04(a).