Requirements for the improvement of streets shall be:
   (a)   The improvement plans shall be prepared by AutoCAD design on twenty-four (24) inch by thirty-six (36) inch sheets with a horizontal scale of one (1) inch equals fifty (50) feet with a horizontal scale of one inch equals fifty feet and a vertical scale of one inch equals five feet by the owner's engineer, who shall be a registered professional engineer. An approved Regional Geodetic Survey datum and bench mark shall be shown on the plan. The improvement plan shall include the following: existing profile taken on the center line and side lines of the street at intervals of fifty feet and at such intermediate points where there is a sharp break in grade, approved center line profile, storm and sanitary sewers, storm water management systems and controls, on site wetland mitigation, creation, preservation or enhancement, water mains, house connections, pavement, and a typical cross section of the roadway showing underground installations and pavement and berm areas.
   (b)   The established grade shall be the same as the proposed center line profile as shown on the preliminary profile and approved by the City Engineer. Grade shall be calculated for each fifty foot station with vertical curves for each grade change.
   (c)   Wherever outlets for sewers and water mains are available to the subdivision, the owner shall install and connect at his own cost all storm and sanitary sewers, culverts, water mains, and connections for each sublot for sewers and water mains to three feet back of the edge of the proposed pavement. If however, water mains and sewer outlet facilities are not available to the property, the allotment shall not be approved unless some other water supply means and sewage outlet means, meeting with the approval of Council and the Cuyahoga County Sanitary Engineer (“CCSE”) and/or the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District (“NEORSD”), or agencies have jurisdiction over the Subdivision or portions of the Subdivision and any improvements to be made outside of the Subdivision and in compliance with all Ohio Environmental Protection Agency and State Department of Health regulations and requirements, are provided for each of the lots of the subdivision. All culverts or bridges necessary within the limits of the proposed streets, all box culverts and drainage outlets necessary to carry surface drainage and all of the work necessary in the intersections of the proposed street(s), with existing streets, including the repaving of such intersections and providing catch basins at such locations, shall be installed by the owners of the proposed subdivision in accordance with the Subdivision Regulations, meeting the requirements and the approval of the City Engineer, the City of Cleveland, Department of Public Utilities, the NEORSD or the CCSE, as the case may be, and Council as may be required. The improvement plan shall meet the approval of all agencies having jurisdiction over the subdivision and Council. One set of the final improvement plans as approved shall be submitted to the Clerk of Council and one complete set shall be provided to the City Engineer.
   (d)   After the required underground improvements have been completely installed, and in accordance with all of the standards set forth in this Chapter, and approval of the City Engineer and Council, the topcoat of asphalt, if an asphalt road is used in lieu of concrete, may be delayed, in order to avoid damage to the topcoat, upon depositing an appropriate Bond and Guaranty by the owner with the City, in an amount acceptable to the City Engineer, and in a form with such guaranty as approved by the Law Director, but in no event shall the roadway be inaccessible to construction vehicles and motor vehicle traffic adequate to insure access to any structure by any fire, police, emergency or other City or County service. The topcoat of asphalt shall be installed, at the date predetermined when the waiver of installing the topcoat is granted by the City Council, upon recommendation of the City Engineer. In the event the topcoat is not timely installed, the Bond guaranteeing such installation shall be utilized to pay for the cost of installing such topcoat and the City shall charge an additional ten percent (10%) of the cost of such work for administrative overhead.
   (e)   Evidence shall be furnished to the City Engineer and Council that sanitary sewer services are available for each lot from the NEORSD and the City of Cleveland, Department of Public Utilities has approved connection for water service for each lot within the subdivision.
   (f)   All improvements in the subdivision shall meet the specifications set forth in the Subdivision Regulations, the Ordinances of the City, and the specifications and standards on file with the City Engineer. Improvements shall be provided in subdivisions according to the provisions herein established to achieve the objectives of the Subdivision Regulations. The owner shall provide the improvements specified in Section 1119.01(g) within the proposed subdivision, and off-site and oversize improvements required to serve the proposed subdivision or to facilitate the orderly development of adjacent land which is part of the same service or drainage area. The developer shall pay for all improvements necessary to serve the proposed subdivision as determined by the City Engineer.
      (Ord. 37-1955. Passed 4-11-55.)
   (g)   Subdivision improvements shall be furnished, constructed and installed according to improvement plans approved by the Engineer, which are based on standards included in the following appendices.
Required Improvements                  Standards (Refer to Appendix)
(1)   Grading and drainage.
(2)   Streets:    Pavement
         Curb and gutters
         Street name signs
(3)   Street, trees and screening
(4)   Communications and streetlights
(5)   Gas fuel service
(6)   Sanitary sewer and water systems
(7)   Monuments
(8)   Construction rules
   (h)   Upon certification of approval by the City Engineer of all of the improvement plans, all improvements shall be installed in accord with rules available from the Engineer, the Subdivision Regulations and the Improvement Standards set forth in Appendix A through H.
A. 00    INTENT - A grading and drainage system shall be designed and constructed by the developer to provide for the proper drainage of the surface water of the subdivision and the drainage area of which it is a part. To this end the following requirements and methods shall be followed:
A.01 GRADING PLAN - The developer shall submit a Grading Plan as specified in Section 1115.03  of these Rules to the City Engineer. This Plan shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to any construction.
A.02 GRADING REQUIREMENTS - The developer shall grade the subdivision in order to establish street, block and lot grades in proper relation to each other as follows:
(a)   Streets: The grading of streets shall extend the full width of the right-of-way. Planting strips shall be graded at a gradient of not less than two percent or more than three percent upward from the curb to the sidewalk or property line unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer.
(b)   Blocks: Grading shall be designed to divert water from buildings, prevent standing water and soil saturation detrimental to structures and the use of the lot, and to preserve desirable site features and grades for safe and convenient access to and around structures.
(c)   Lots: The floor elevation of each building shall be established in proper relation to surrounding grades, the driveway and the street. There shall be a minimum grade of two percent around each structure so that water drains to lower areas or drainage swales or storm water management devices such as retention basins and bio-remediation swales and the like which shall have minimum grade of 1.0 percent. The lot drainage system shall be designed so that surface water will drain onto the driveway, a drainage structure on the lot, a street gutter and storm sewer, or a natural drainage way. Minimum and maximum grades of drive-ways shall be 0.5 percent and 12% respectively. Grading shall be adjusted so there will be no abrupt grades in front yards and along side lot lines. Earth terraces shall have a maximum side slope ratio of 2.5:1. If a masonry retaining wall exceeds three feet in height, a hedge, fence or railing shall be provided on it.
(d)   Top Soil: If grading results in the stripping of top soil, the top soil shall not be removed from the site or used as fill, but shall be saved and uniformly spread over the lots as grading is finished. Top soil removal or disturbance is regulated by the City of Garfield Heights.
(e)   Trees: As many trees as can be reasonably utilized shall be retained and the grading adjusted to the existing grade at the trees.
A. 03    DRAINAGE REQUIREMENTS - Grading of the entire area of the subdivision shall be done with regard to the natural drainage of the entire drainage area involved. Open ditches, conduits, catch basins, inlets and manholes of adequate size shall be constructed to provide for such drainage. The design criteria for the drainage systems shall be as approved by the City Engineer. The following minimum design frequencies shall be used:
Residential, Commercial, Industrial
Storm Sewers
10 Years
Water Courses
10 Years
Culverts Across Roadways
25 Years
(a)   Street Drainage: The street drainage system shall serve as the prime drainage system. It shall be designed to carry roadway and adjacent storm water drainage. Surface inlet spacing shall be based on a 10-year frequency with a 15-minute time of concentration to the highest inlet on any branch of the system. Ponding of water on the pavement will not be permitted. In addition, standard manholes, or combination manhole inlets for cleaning purposes shall be placed no further than 300 feet apart on storm sewer 33-inches and smaller. On larger sizes, spacing of manholes may be increased at the discretion of the City Engineer.
   1.   All or portions of water courses or ditches with a design capacity not exceeding the capacity of a 54-inch concrete pipe may require enclosure at the discretion of the City Engineer. Existing creeks or ditches constructed by the developer which exceed the above limit shall be constructed with a maximum 15-foot wide continuous earth roadway along the top of one bank to provide access for maintenance equipment to all sections of the ditch. The ditch easement shall be wide enough to contain said ditch slopes and roadway with ample clearance for the operation of maintenance equipment. Open ditches shall have a side slope ratio of 2:1 and a minimum bottom width of 2 feet. The actual ditch section shall be calculated to provide design capacity at 80 percent of critical depth.
   2.   No open ditch shall be constructed within one hundred (100) feet of the rear of a house, as measured from the house to the edge of the ditch easement.
   3.   All storm drainage courses carried along side lot lines shall be enclosed, regardless of previously noted criteria.
(b)   Drainage Easements: Easements for drainage purposes shall be a minimum of 20 feet in width. Where the watercourse is large, easement widths shall be increased as determined by the City Engineer. Where watercourses cross plotted lots diagonally, the developer shall straighten such courses where practicable and shall substantially follow sublot lines where practicable. Easements shall be shown on the record plat and deeds and shall cover all existing or reconstructed watercourses.
(c)   Material and Construction Standards:
   1.   Typical standard drainage system details and notes shall comply with the manual of Uniform Standards for Sewerage Improvements as adopted by the Cuyahoga County Sanitary Engineer, Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, and the Ohio EPA. If there are conflicts between the manual of Uniform Standards and the Garfield Heights City Ordinance, the City Ordinance shall take precedence. Where conditions necessitate the inclusion of items not shown in the manual or discussed in the Ordinance, they will be subject to the approval of the City Engineer.
   2.   All storm sewer pipe materials within the right-of-way shall be reinforced concrete pipe per 5.105(b) and (c) in the manual of Uniform Standards.
   3.   The following pipe materials are accepted and approved for storm sewer projects outside the public right-of-way:
      -   Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe per ASTM D-3034 and ASTM F-949
      -   Aluminized Steel Type 2 Corrugated Metal Pipe made from material in compliance with ASTM A-929 and ASTM A-760
      -   Reinforced Concrete Pipe per 5.105(b) and (c) in the Manual of Uniform Standards.
(d)   Requirements of Storm Water Retention Plan. Where, in the opinion of the City Engineer, any proposed subdivision may result in significant diversion or exacerbation of storm water runoff for the property to be developed, or adjoining properties, then the City Engineer shall notify the Developer of the necessity to submit a Plan for approval by the City Engineer setting forth a manner for storm water retention to be utilized for said subdivision.
   Said Plan shall include the following information:
   a.   An overall drainage plan of the proposed development area showing existing and proposed grading, existing and proposed runoff flow paths and drainage facilities, contributing areas draining to the drainage system, and the predominant soil types with runoff coefficients.
   b.   Plan view, typical cross-sections and pertinent details of the proposed retention basin and its primary and emergency outlet control structure(s),
   c.   Retention basin reservoir capacity versus reservoir water surface elevation calculations.
   d.   Outlet control structure discharge versus reservoir water surface elevation hydraulic calculations, including the assumptions or calculations made to determine the existing drainage system hydraulic gradient or water surface elevation at the outlet control structure discharge point.
   e.   Inflow-outflow hydrographs, both in tabular and graphical form for the one year storm, for the Critical Storm and for all storms exceeding the Critical Storm. The required inflow hydrographs shall include both pre-development and post- development conditions.
   f.   The assumptions and/or calculations utilized in determining the inflow hydrographs in accordance with the accepted hydrologic method.
   g.   Hydraulic gradient calculations for the proposed storm drainage system emptying into the retention basin based on the Critical Storm. Design year and other storm design year frequencies may be required by the City Engineer for the storm drainage system hydraulic grading calculations, should the City Engineer deem necessary.
   After the information required in paragraphs a. thru g. have been provided to the City Engineer, the City Engineer may approve the Storm Water Retention Plan for the development, provided the following standards have been met by such proposed Storm Water Retention Plan:
   a.   The peak flow rate or runoff generated from the Critical Storm and all more frequent storms occurring on the proposed development area does not exceed the peak flow rate or runoff from a one year frequency, 24 hour storm occurring on the same area under pre-development conditions.
   b.   Storms of less frequent occurrence (longer return periods) than the Critical Storm up to the 100 year storm have peak flow runoff rates no greater than the peak flow runoff rates from the equivalent size storms under pre-development conditions. Consideration of the one (1), two (2), five (5), ten (10), twenty-five (25), fifty (50), and one hundred (100) year storms will be considered adequate in designing and developing drainage facilities to meet this standard.
   The Critical Storm for a specific development area shall be determined as follows:
   a.   The total volume of storm water runoff from a one (1) year frequency 24 hour storm occurring on the development area before and after development shall be determined. The total runoff volume shall be determined by a "Peak Discharge" of calculation peak rate and total volume of runoff as described in the U.S. Soil Conservation Service's Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds", Technical Release No. 55 and its latest editions, including all applicable supplements or other accepted methods as approved by the City Engineer. This hydrologic method shall also be utilized for all retention basin inflow design calculations.
   b.   Based upon the volumes calculated in paragraph a. above, determine the percent increase in volume of runoff due to the development and using this percentage, select the 24 hour Critical Storm from the following table.
1 Year
2 Year
5 Year
10 Year
25 Year
50 Year
100 Year
B. 00    INTENT - The developer shall design and construct pavements, curbs, gutters, and shall install street name signs according to the following standards.
B.01    DESIGN - The design of streets or street sections in a subdivision shall be based on the following standards:
Arterial Street
Collector Street
Minimum Right-of-Way
Minimum Center Line Radius
0.7 %
Minimum Perpendicular Distance From Intersecting Centerlines
Minimum Radius of Turn-out on Right-of-Way
Arterial Street: An arterial street is a street which is primarily for moving fast or heavy traffic between large or intensely developed areas.
Collector Street; A collector street is a street supplementary to and connecting arterial and local streets.
Cul-de-Sacs: The minimum right-of-way and roadway radius of cul-de-sac turn-arounds shall be 60 feet and 50 feet, respectively.
Local Street: A local street is a street primarily for access to abutting property and serving local needs.
Street: A street is a public way for vehicular circulation including the entire right-of-way. The term includes, but is not limited to avenue, alley, boulevard, drive, highway, road and private streets serving residential, recreational, commercial and industrial purposes.
Temporary Turn-Arounds: The minimum right-of-way radius of a temporary turn-around shall be 60 feet. The type and arrangement of pavement shall be determined by the City Engineer.
B.02    PAVEMENT - The developer shall engage a geotechnical engineer to perform the proper soils testing of the soils affected by road construction to determine the strength of existing subgrade to be considered in a pavement design with average daily traffic considerations. All road pavements shall be designed using an approved American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (“AASHTO”) method. Other minimum requirements include the following:
a.   TENSAR Bi-axial Geogrid BX-1200, or approved equal, shall be used at the interface of the subgrade and aggregate base for all flexible (asphalt) pavements.
b.   TENSAR Bi-axial Geogrid BX-1200, or approved equal, shall be used at the interface of subgrade and sub-base for all rigid (concrete) pavements.
c.   The minimum sub-base layer for all rigid pavements shall be four inches.
d.   Aggregate base used for flexible pavements shall consist of limestone only.
e.   Minimum required material thickness for flexible pavements shall consist of the following:
      asphalt wearing course =      1 ¼”
      asphalt intermediate course =   1 ¾”
      bituminous aggregate base =      3”
      limestone aggregate base =      8”
f.   Rigid pavements shall at least be eight inches thick plus four inches of sub-base.
g.   All new road, street and highway construction and reconstruction of existing street facilities shall include underdrains.
h.   All pavement materials shall conform to the most current version of the Ohio Department of Transportation Construction and Material specifications.
B.03 CURBS & GUTTERS - Concrete curbs and gutters shall be constructed according to the details and notes shown in the Ohio Department of Transportation’s most current Standard Construction Drawings. All concrete material shall comply with the most current Ohio Department of Transportation Construction and Material Specifications.
B.04    STREET NAME SIGNS - The developer shall install a street sign showing the names of all streets at all street intersections. The design and location of signs shall conform to City standards.
B.05 SEEDING - All unpaved areas within the right-of-way shall be fertilized, seeded and mulched in accordance with Ohio Department of Transportation, Construction and Material Specification, Item 659. Seed mixture shall be that specified for areas considered to be urban in character. In areas with slopes with a horizontal to vertical ratio of 3:1 or steeper, permanent turf reinforcement mats shall be utilized to prevent soil erosion.
C.00 INTENT - Street trees and screening shall be provided by the developer in accordance with the following standards:
C.01 PROGRAM - A tree-planting and screening program based on the approved Preliminary Plat shall be prepared as part of the required subdivision improvement plans by a qualified Landscape Architect for trees and screening along streets and in public areas, including the species to be used on specific street, spacing, the distance from curbs, street intersections, private driveways and street lights; and minimum size and height to lower branch. The program shall be in accordance with the objectives of ) of the American Society of Landscape Architects Old Urban Forestry Policy (1991, revised 2001) and the Atmosphere Pollution Policy (revised 2000, revised 2001).
C.02 TREE STANDARDS - The selection and spacing of trees shall be according to improvement plans approved by the City Engineer. Trees shall be planted along new streets at intervals of 50 feet. Tree species shall be selected that will fill the space desired within a reasonable time and producing a pleasing effect in scale with adjacent developments. Miniature tree species shall not be used except for special design considerations of scale, such as in pedestrian ways, and not used merely as a means of reducing maintenance. Trees of untried species, unknown endurance or requiring frequent spraying shall not be used. Trees generally recommended are Red Maple, Norway Maple, Sugar Maple, Red Oak, White Oak, Thornless Honey Locust, London Plane, Amur Cork and Sweet Gum. Trees which have undesirable characteristics such as, excessively thick foliage, low branches, unpleasant odors, susceptibility to disease or attack by insects or large root systems such as Poplar, Willow, Cottonwood, American Elm, various nut and fruit trees, Ailanthus, Mountain Ash and Oregon Maple shall not be planted in any tree lawn.
C.03 SCREENING - The Commission may require and permit planting screens or fences where reverse frontage lots abut arterial streets or between arterial and collector streets, provided such screening does not constitute a safety hazard. Proposed screening shall be submitted for approval with the Preliminary Plat.
D.00   INTENT - The following requirements and rules shall apply to all new subdivisions:
(a)   Preliminary plans with respect to any new subdivision shall be submitted to all utility companies serving the proposed subdivision as well as the City Engineer for their review and recommendations.
(b)   Utility easements at least 12 feet in width for communication and electric power and street lighting facilities shall be provided on all front lot lines and along certain side and rear lot lines.
(c)   Prior to final approval by the City Engineer, the developer shall have installed or shall have furnished adequate bond for the ultimate installation, in accordance with these standards, the following:
   1.   Underground communication cables and cable television cables.
   2.   Underground distribution cables for power and street lighting from a common distribution system, and all equipment necessary in the operation of the system.
   3.   Adequate provision for street lights according to improvement plans approved by the City Engineer.
(d)   The developer shall bear the increase in costs, if any, over the normal mode of construction of communication or electrical lines and facilities, as determined by the telephone or electric company involved according to their rules and regulations.
(e)   The City Engineer may waive the above rules when undue hardship may result from strict compliance. In such cases, the City Engineer shall prescribe only conditions that he sees necessary or desirable for the public interest and finds that there are special circumstances or conditions which would deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land.
D.01    STANDARDS - The following standards shall apply to all proposed subdivisions:
(a)   All communication, cable television, electric power and street lighting wires, conduits or cables to serve lots in the subdivision shall be constructed underground and upon easements provided for utilities, except that wires, conduits or cables owned by or serving individual customers and located wholly on the customer's property, need not be located upon easements.
(b)   All underground communication, cable television, electric power and street lighting wires, conduits or cables shall be constructed in accordance with the standards or rules required by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
(c)   Provision shall be made for the ultimate installation of street lighting standards on minor streets by the electric utility serving the subdivision at a minimum mounting height for luminaries of 15 feet and spaced no farther apart than every fourth lot. Provisions shall be made for the ultimate installation of street lighting standards on arterial and collector streets by the electric utility serving the subdivision to provide light intensity meeting the minimum recommendations of American Standard Practice for Roadway Lighting. Until used the wiring so provided shall be safely insulated and de-energized.
E. 00    INTENT & STANDARDS - The developer shall submit plans for a gas fuel distribution system for the proposed subdivision with the subdivision improvement plans. The gas system shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the rules and standards of the gas company servicing the subdivision as approved by the City. Lines shall be installed before the improvements are accepted for dedication by the City.
F.00 INTENT - The developer shall construct a sanitary sewage system which discharges into a regional or County operated waste water treatment facility. Developer shall connect to City of Cleveland, Division of Water, water mains for water service to the subdivision.
F.01 SANITARY SEWER STANDARDS - Collection systems shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the Manual published by the CCSE, NEORSD and the Ohio EPA for review and approval prior to receiving a building permit from the City.
a.   All plans for proposed sanitary sewer systems located outside the public right-of-way must be submitted to the Ohio EPA, CCSE, and/or NEORSD for review and approval prior to receiving a building permit from the City.
b.   All plans for proposed sanitary sewer systems located within the public right-of-way must be submitted to Ohio EPA, CCSE, and/or NEORSD for review and approval prior to commencement of construction.
F.02   WATER SUPPLY STANDARDS – The subdivision shall be provided with a complete water distribution system, connected to the City of Cleveland, Division of Water System,, including a connection for each lot and appropriately spaced fire hydrants in accordance with the City of Cleveland, Department of Public Utility Rules and Regulations. Public water distribution shall meet the requirements of the City of Cleveland, Division of Water, and the Ohio EPA.
G.00    INTENT - Permanently installed monuments which are adequate for a resurvey of the subdivision shall be provided by the developer at all principal survey points shown on the record plat.
a.   When necessary in accordance with the accepted surveying practice and legal requirements, the surveyor shall set boundary monuments so that, upon completion of the survey, each corner of the property and each reference to control station will be physically monumented, except as set forth in the following paragraph.
b.   When it is impossible or impractical to set a boundary monument on a corner, the surveyor shall set a reference monument, similar in character to the boundary monument and preferable along one of the property lines which intersect at that corner. When such a reference monument is used, it shall be clearly identified as a reference monument on the plat of the property and in any new deed description which may be written for the property.
c.   Every boundary monument and/or reference monument set by the surveyor shall, when practicable:
   (1)   Be composed of a durable material.
   (2)   Have a minimum length of thirty inches.
   (3)   Have a minimum cross-section area of material of 0.21 square inches.
   (4)   Be identified with a durable marker bearing the surveyor’s Ohio registration number and/or name or company name.
   (5)   Be detectable with conventional instruments for finding ferrous or magnetic objects.
d.   When a case arises, due to physical obstructions such as pavements, large rocks, large roots, utility cables, etc., so that neither a boundary monument nor a reference monument can be practicably set in accordance with paragraph c. of this standard, then alternative monumentation, which is essentially as durable and identifiable (e.g., chiseled “X” in concrete, drill hole, etc.) shall be established for the particular situation.
e.   On new roadways, monuments shall be set in monument boxes as shown graphically in the Planning and Zoning Code and on the standard construction drawings on file in the office of the Engineer.
f.   Evidence of the existence of all such monuments shall be demonstrated as a prerequisite to the sale of a sublot.
H.00 INTENT & RULES - Upon certification of approval by the City Engineer of improvement plans, all improvements shall be installed in accord with rules available from the City Engineer, these subdivision regulations and the improvement standards appendiced to the regulations.
   (i)   Subdivisions shall be planned to take advantage of natural features, which will result in an attractive environment and minimize required construction of storm water management facilities and controls, utilities, grading and removal of trees and topsoil. Streets shall follow natural drainage courses where appropriate. On irregular topography, streets shall parallel contours to avoid extensive cut and fill. In so far as possible, lots shall be above street grade. Subdivisions shall be designed to take advantage of natural contours so that all of the land can be drained with a minimum of reshaping. In so far as possible, open drainage courses shall not parallel side lot lines. Where a proposed subdivision includes a natural lake or pond, or a lake or pond will be created in such subdivision, the Commission may require the installation of hydrant connections to such body of water where, in the opinion of the Commission, such connections shall substantially benefit the health or safety of the inhabitants of such subdivision. Natural features, such as substantial tree cover, water courses, lakes, hills and open space within a proposed subdivision shall be integrated into its design to obtain natural variety and interest in each neighborhood and the most attractive view as possible. Whenever possible, natural conditions such as ponds, creeks, lakes, marshes, streams, watercourses or wetlands shall be preserved. Where property proposed to be subdivided is indicated to be wetlands or streams within the jurisdiction of the United States Army Corps of Engineers, or the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, the Commission may require adequate proof of compliance by the developer with Federal or State Wetland Laws, Rules and Regulations including verification of issuance of Sections 401 and 404 Certificates from the appropriate governmental agencies.
   (j)   The following percentage of the gross area of the subdivision shall be devoted to open space, conveyed to a homeowners association, and every lot owner shall be required to be a member of the Association:
      (1)   U1 zoning districts (10%).
      (2)   U2 zoning districts (10%).
      (3)   U3 zoning districts (20%).
   (k)   Gross area shall mean all land including right-of-ways and land subject to easements within a proposed subdivision. Where common land is required, restrictions and covenants providing for its continued maintenance, enforceable by the City, shall be subject to Commission approval. All such open space shall be conveyed to a homeowners association that is formed in accordance with organizational documents and subject to deed restrictions that are approved by the Law Director. Each lot owner shall be mandated to pay their proportionate share of cost to operate the Association and to maintain the common areas. When a subdivision is completed in phases, each phase shall have sufficient open space set aside for the gross area of each phase by conveyance of land to the Association for that phase.
   (l)   Easements shall be designed to implement compliance with the following standards:
      (1)   Pedestrian easements at least 12 feet wide may be required to cross blocks or at the end of cul-de-sac streets to provide access to business areas, schools, open space or other facilities where convenient pedestrian circulation has not been provided by the street pattern.
      (2)   Where utilities are not located in a street, easements at least 12 feet wide should be located on the center of rear lot lines or on side lot lines when necessary.
      (3)   When a subdivision is traversed by a drainage way, channel, stream or other water course, a drainage easement shall be provided. Insofar as possible the rear lot line shall be planned along such drainage ways.