The permittee shall prosecute with diligence and expedition all excavation work covered by the excavation permit and shall promptly complete the work and notify the City Engineer’s office that he or she is ready for the city to make the backfill and surface restoration.
(1990 Code, § 25-120) (Ord. 62-672, passed 10-1-1962; Ord. 68-943, passed 1-15-1968)
The City Engineer shall make any inspections as are reasonably necessary. The City Engineer shall have the authority to promulgate and cause to be enforced any rules and regulations as may be reasonably necessary to enforce and carry out the intent of this subchapter. He or she may also be allowed to authorize representatives to help his or her responsibilities under this subchapter.
(1990 Code, § 25-122) (Ord. 62-672, passed 10-1-1962; Ord. 68-943, passed 1-15-1968)
Users of subsurface street space shall maintain drawings, plans and profiles showing the location and character of all underground structures including abandoned installations. In cases where changes or additions to installations are made, notification should be made to the City Engineer to make him or her aware, and at all times it should be so that he or she may inspect the drawings or plans for the obtainment of contained information.
(1990 Code, § 25-123) (Ord. 62-672, passed 10-1-1962; Ord. 68-943, passed 1-15-1968)