General Provisions
151.01 Intent
151.02 Definitions
151.03 Designated areas; map
151.04 Designated areas to retain original exterior appearance
151.05 Permit required for work
Galena Historic Preservation
151.20 Historic District boundaries
151.21 Standards
151.22 Design guidelines
151.23 Certificate of appropriateness; scope and exemptions
151.24 Galena Historic Preservation Commission (HPC)
151.25 Demolition
151.26 Application requirements; review and approval
151.27 Standards and guidelines for review process
151.28 Amendments
151.29 Fees
Historic Landmark, Historic Landmark
Districts, and Historic Districts
Districts, and Historic Districts
151.30 Landmark designation criteria
151.31 Landmark designation procedures
151.32 Historic District designation criteria
151.33 Historic District designation procedures
151.34 Applications for nominations of landmarks and landmark and historic districts
151.99 Penalty
The intent and purpose of this chapter is to promote the protection, enhancement, perpetuation, and use of improvements of special character or historical interest or value in the interest of the health, prosperity, safety, and welfare of the people of the City of Galena by:
(A) Providing a mechanism to identify and preserve the historic and architectural characteristics of the City of Galena which represents elements of the city's cultural, social, economic, political and architectural history.
(B) To promote civic pride in the beauty and noble accomplishments of the past as represented in Galena's landmarks and Historic District.
(C) Stabilizing and improving the economic vitality and value of Galena's landmarks and historic areas.
(D) Protecting and enhancing the attractiveness of the city to have buyers, visitors and shoppers and thereby supporting business, commerce, industry, and providing economic benefit to the city.
(E) Fostering and encouraging preservation, restoration of structures, areas, and neighborhoods and thereby preventing future urban blight.
(Ord. O.23.07, passed 4-24-23)